Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Let Your Skin Predict Your Age

woman looking closely in the mirror

Since the day we are born, we have been growing older every second. In the early years of our life we are delighted by the idea of growing big and mature but as time slides by and we are in our thirties the quest begins to erase the touches of the time. Sad but true, just the way objects in the rear view mirror are nearer than they appear, the first signs of ageing—wrinkles, uneven skin tone, crow’s feet and sun spots appear sooner than we realize. Dr Sachin Dhawan, Director Clinical & Aesthetic Dermatology at Gurgaon based Artemis Health Institute says, The first signs of ageing have begun to appear in people as young as twenties and you just can’t deny the role of stress in it.”
Though we dread the first wrinkle, still it is not the first sign of ageing. “In Indian context, the first signs of ageing are irregular pigmentation, open pores and fine lines. The more apparent signs like wrinkles and grooves come much later,” informs Dr Dhawan.
Recognise the signs–
Mottled Skin–
Mottled skin or uneven skin tone is caused by the long term exposure to the unforgiving rays of the sun. In fact, dermatologists concur that maximum damage to the skin is caused by photo ageing or sun. The skin could become blotchy, leathery as the youthful even tone begins to fade.
What to do
Instead of a brief summer fling, have a long term affair with sunscreen. This is one beauty staple which you should always carry with you irrespective of the weather. “Sunscreens with minimum SPF of 15 will help shield your skin from 97% of the damage caused by the rays of the sun through out the year, counsels Dr Dhawan. When buying sunscreens be careful and choose those that offer broad spectrum protection, do not clog your pores, are fragrance free and dermatologically tested. You could even wear Calamine Lotion and dust powder on it to get sun protection. Most importantly, the rule with sunscreens is repply.
Enlarged Pores
Given the tropical weather condition of our country, as we grow older we find that the smooth-satin finish of our childhood skin has disappeared and our skin has become riddled with pores. Technically, pores are opening on the skin to the sebum gland to help keep our skin smooth. Enlarged pores imply that the oil glands are over busy.
What to doThere is really no permanent remedy for open pores. You can apply ice on face to tighten open pores, says Dr. Shehla Aggarwal of Mehak Clinic. Wear foundation to hide open pores. Dr Dhruv Gupta, Gurgaon based dermatologist suggests, “Use a good quality foundation with sunscreen. Foundation is actually beneficial for the skin, because it acts like a protective layer between your face and the elements. This is the best way that you can conceal open pores. Wash off the foundation as soon as you reach home with face wash, and follow up with toner.” You can even try getting glycolic acid peels or chemical peels done at your dermatologist’s office to get rid of the open pores.
Dull looking Skin
As you age your skin is not able to shed off the dead skin as fast as it did earlier. As a result the dead skin keeps accumulating and the youthful glow begins to bid adieu to you.
What to do
Tweak your face care routine once again and add an extra ingredient of exfoliation to it. Use face washes and toners that have antioxidants in it. Besides, follow words of wisdom offered by Dr Dhawan, “Balanced eating, moderate exercise, alcohol and tobacco abstinence, adequate sleep and mental relaxation techniques play an important part in keeping the glow intact on your skin.”
Crow’s feet
The skin around your eyes are the most sensitive and they are devoid of fat and muscle tone. This means that when your skin is exposed to the sun this is the first area to develop wrinkles. Again, when you slather sunscreens you tend to miss the area beneath your eyes. No wonder, research studies have found that for 90% women first signs of ageing show beneath their eyes.
What to  do
Wear sunglasses to protect the skin around your eyes. If you smoke then quit it and drink eight glasses of water everyday. Keep your skin soft and supple with a good moisturizer and buy a reputed under eye cream for your eyes. Another homemade treatment for crow’s feet is to use fresh papaya or pineapple. Rub a slice of either fruit carefully along the fines wrinkles you want to get rid of. Allow the juice to sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, rinse it off with cool water; pat dry with a soft towel. Papaya contains “papain” and pineapples contain “bromelain.” Both of these enzymes help remove dead skin cells. They also help spur your skin to produce collagen.
Laughter lines
The skin around our mouths is constantly in use. Hence, this part of your face is vulnerable to the assault of facial lines. Again, the sunscreen that you slather on your face vanishes the moment you eat, drink or lick your lips.  Folks who do facial exercises should quit the habit at once.
What to do
There are things that you can do at home to reduce lines on your face, like exfoliation, taking vitamins, eating fruits and using herbal treatments. Exfoliate at least twice a week. When you exfoliate your skin absorbs the nutrition offered by moisturisers, anti-ageing creams thereby justifying every penny spent on these. When choosing face creams or lotions go for products that have alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). These work against skin-damaging oxygen molecules (free radicals) in your body. These also help collagen growth that fills in lines and eliminates dead cells on skin surface.
Priya Singh

Must Have Beauty Essentials for Winters


Winter has announced its arrival. The weather has turned nippy and your skin is the first one to bear the brunt of elements (read cold winds). The basics of skin care remain the same for winter too: cleansing, toning and moisturising but you need to tweak these products a bit. In summer, a foaming face wash was good but as the temperature dips you should switch to a mild cleanser, preferably a lotion. Similarly your toner should be of non-drying types and your moisturiser should be a richer version of the one that you used in the summer. Priya Singh enlists ten must have beauty essentials that every girl should keep in her vanity kit.
1. Heavy duty moisturizer with SPF protection: Cold winds can strip moisture from your skin, particularly your facial skin. Wear moisturisers diligently after cleaning your face. Switch to oil based moisturisers in place of water as they form a barrier on your skin and look for “nonclogging” oils, like avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil. Do not avoid sunscreen protection just because it’s winter. The rays of the sun will wreak damage on your skin nevertheless. Sunscreen Protection Factor 15 is good for Indian skin tones.
 2. Gentle exfoliating agents: In these months our skin’s turnover rate goes down, hence you should add a gentle exfoliating agent in your skin care ritual to remove the dead cells from your skin. Any scrub which has AHA agents will be a good exfoliator. Lactic acid (sour yoghurt) is a wonderful exfoliator that removes dead cells without being harsh. Gentle peeling creams are better than the regular scrubs. Remember to tone (rose water) your skin after exfoliating it and follow it up with a good moisturiser.
 3. Switch your face masks. Give hydrating face masks a chance now. Avoid face masks that have clay in it as they can absorb extra oil from your skin. Now, your masks should have ingredients like glycerine, honey which can nourish your skin.
 4. How about hand creams? Your hands bear the brunt of cold weather more than your face. Shower these with some TLC and you’ll be rewarded with a soft and smooth pair of hands. Exfoliate your hands and apply a good hand cream later. Wear cotton gloves later to seal in the moisture.
 5. Put your best foot forward. Winter means dry, dehydrated and cracked heels for many. Not only this is painful but embarrassing too. Dip your heels in a basin of warm salted water in which baking soda and shampoo has been added. Scrub the topmost layer gently with a good quality pumice stone. Refrain from buying the cheaper version available at your local kirana store. Follow it up with a generous massage by a rich, hydrating foot cream.
 6. Have you splurged on hair masks? The cold winds and the dipping temperature steal moisture and lustre from your precious strands. Protect your hair by wearing nourishing hair masks. Make it once-a-week affair and your hair will bounce with health.
7. Lip balms. Your lips don’t have any oil glands. Naturally they dry out faster than your skin. Hence buy a good quality lip balm to keep your lips hydrated and well moisturised. You can also switch to creamy lipsticks in place of the long lasting ones to keep your lips happy.
 8. Eye cream: The delicate skin around your eyes can get really damaged by cold air and harsh winds. Even though you might apply in the AM, applying eye cream mid-day when you leave your office will keep the skin around the eyes protected.
9. Oil massage. This sounds delicious and feels heavenly. At least once a month treat yourself to a whole body oil massage. You can use coconut or olive oil for the massage and your skin will definitely feel better and more hydrated later.
10. Body butter: This is thicker than a regular lotion and provides much needed nourishment to the dry and dehydrated skin.
In winter you may not feel thirsty but you should have ten glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. If you use room heaters then place a bowl of water in the room so that your skin doesn’t feel parched when you wake up. Hot water baths may feel heavenly, but you should avoid it as it can dry your skin. Instead prefer tepid water and put a capful of baking soda in it to keep your skin moist. Emphasise on healthy foods and be regular with exercise and the result will reflect in a healthy glow on your face.

Glow like a Gemstone

There is no denying that every woman loves a day at the salon. Reason is there is no better way to pamper and get that much-needed relaxation and dazzling effect, instantly. And when the celebration season is on the cards, the idea of receiving the exotic facials gets all more important. So to glow like a gemstone this party season, why not try ‘gemstone facial’.  Yes, you heard right! Gemstone facials are a great way to keep your skin young and beautiful tells expert beauty therapist Shenaz Hussain. But don’t just get swayed away by the great marketing gimmicks. Before heading to the parlor for your all-important beauty ritual, ‘the facial’, skin type must surely be kept in mind.

It’s well known that we have a fondness for gold – and other precious metals and gems like silver, pearls, diamonds platinum, etc. But crushing these lifestyle accessories in a beauty tool like facial is something that requires a deep study. As, all that glitters do not surely can make your skin shine too! And if it can really make one get shiny skin instantly, then what the logic is behind, is what Guardian Health Chronicle team explains here. Read to select right one…
What Does Your Skin Demand
Sapphire is for youthful glow. The contents of this stone helps to soothe, deeply hydrate and protect the skin making it appear clear, smooth, rejuvenated and youthful. It removes dead cells, restores and maintains the ideal skin and safeguards it from harmful environmental effects. Also, the blue sapphire treatment is believed to induce sleep and wipe away depression.
Diamonds are mostly used for skin lightening process. Mostly used for micro-dermabrasion and skin polishing, this facial includes a diamond wand which has an array of “diamond” crystals used to polish the skin, leaving it luminous and radiant. If you have a sensitive skin type or if you complain about discolouration of facial skin or blackheads, whiteheads, acne scarring, enlarged pores, lip and character lines and stretch marks, you must go for diamond facial. The procedure is also used to diminish white heads, fine lines,
Silver facial helps in skin detoxification and purification, claims the cosmetic industry. It helps prevent blackheads too. Skin clinics also claim that silver works best on dehydrated skin by restoring lost nourishment.
Gold facials give skin instant radiant lustre. The gold in the products is said to retain moisture in the skin, increase flexibility and smoothness, slow down collagen depletion and prevent sagging skin. It also apparently improves lymphatic drainage (a network of veins in the body that removes toxins) and regenerate skin cells and fights damaging free radicals to prevent premature ageing.
Pearl helps in skin brightening and reducing blemishes and dark spots. It is naturally rich in amino acids, minerals, and proteins that have powerful age control properties. Also it helps to strengthen the skin, improve its moisture retention ability and produce an even colour tone.
Platinum facial recharges and energizes your skin. It influences the skin at the cellular level and helps to ensure the strength of its supportive tissues. It maintains the desired moisture level. It has powerful anti-oxidant effects which protect the skin’s youthful properties and impart radiance. It is mostly recommended to combination skin type.
Amber detoxifies and protects your skin from radiation, drawing positive power and energy. Known as a happy stone it cleanses the skin thoroughly but gently to make your skin feel soft and relaxed.
Onyx purifies the skin and stimulates cellular regeneration. Black in colour, it particularly helps in healing infected wounds, fungal infections, inflammation as well as sunburn.
Red rays of Ruby stone strengthen and nourish the facial skin, treat skin infections and improve blood circulation. Being the gem of sun it gives lustre to the skin. That is not all. It is a good moisturiser and a rich source of Vitamin A which is excellent for an ageing skin too.
Pink tourmaline helps maintaining the correct level of moisture in our skin. It involves much time for the massage process as it calms down the skin and soothes it. It also calms our mind and promotes harmonization.
Emerald is best for anti-ageing and repairing skin damage properties. The emerald ash infused (soaked without boiling) in the cream helps to rejuvenate and tone the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It further strengthens the skin and increases elasticity, prevents pimple formation and removes excess oil from the skin. With its natural astringent and antiseptic properties it cures acne prone skin. It even relieves fatigued eyelids and also makes the lips look healthier.
Celeb’s Speak
 Gautami Kapoor, TV Actress
I got a gold facial done when I got married and was happy with it. I am a great believer in facials and get one done every two months. For some years, I have been hooked to pearl facials. My skin is sensitive, but this is one treatment that suits me. The pearl facial makes my skin look clean and even-toned. It is meant for whitening, so I do it when I have a tan. I am tempted to try out diamond facials too. My husband doesn’t believe in these treatments, but I am a convert.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Are You Turning Scaly

HAS YOUR SKIN TURNED RED AND SORE AND YOU FEEL ITCHY LIKE CRAZY? And you know you haven't been near poison ivy or even don't have chickenpox! But still, you chew your fingernails down to the quick just so you won't scratch until you bleed! Don’t dip down in depression for turning into a monster movie. You suffer from ECZEMA. Dr Sheilly Kapoor Consultant Dermatology Medanta the Medicity tells all about this scaly skin concern. Read to know.

What is Eczema
In Greek means “to Boil”. It broadly encompasses skin conditions that cause the skin to suffer from recurring redness, skin edema (swelling), and you feel itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding most of the time. Areas of temporary skin discoloration may also appear.

Identify the Causes
The exact cause of eczema in unknown but is linked to an over active response by the body's immune system to an irritant. In addition, it is more common in persons with a family history of other allergies/ asthma.
 Some types of eczema can occur as a result of single (irritant contact dermatitis) or repeated (allergic contact dermatitis) exposure to irritants / allergens. The common allergens include detergents, animal dander, objects containing nickel like coins, buttons, jewellery and eyeglass frames etc. Upper respiratory infections or colds may also be triggers. Stress may cause the condition to worsen.
Seasonal changes can affect eczema badly especially in children. However, flare-ups often occur in winter months when the air is drier. Dry hair combined with heating in some houses can cause the skin to dry out and lead to eczema.

Eczema can get aggravated by dryness of the skin. So keeping the affected area moisturized can promote skin healing and relied of symptoms. Other drugs with can be used for eczema include topical (tacrolimus and pimecrolimus ) and systemec (cyclosporine, azathioprine and methotrexate) immuno suppressents.
Are you at risk?

Genetic Factors: Parents who suffer from allergic disorders, including eczema, asthma, and hay fever have a higher risk of having children with eczema.

Environmental factors such as skin irritants, including wool or synthetic clothing, soaps or detergents, cosmetics or perfumes, dust/sand, chemical solvents, chlorine triggers eczema. Other conditions that aggravate the disease includes extreme temperates(cold or hot temperatures or dry air or extremely humid air), and lack of moisturizer after bathing, etc. Other allergens that also trigger eczema includes plant pollen, animal dander, household dust mites, molds, and certain foods

Age factor: The risk is greatest for infants and children. It is estimated that of people who eventually develop eczema, 65% of patients develop symptoms in the first year of life, and 90% develop symptoms before age 5. The condition often improves in adulthood, but 50% of those affected in childhood are affected throughout life.

Obvious Treatments

Lifestyle wise: Eczema can be controlled and not cured. Growing out of atopic eczema with age and avoiding the allergens causing atopic eczema are the only situations where it is considered to               be cured. Otherwise controlling the condition with some lifestyle modification with or without medication is the answer. Here are few recommendations to stay well with eczema:

  • Maintain a regular bathing and moisturizing schedule.
  • Avoid wearing wool or other rough fabrics which can irritate the skin.
  • Dressing in layers is preferable as to much clothing may cause swelling and increase itch.
  • Use a humidifier to keep the air moist and prevent the skin from getting dry.
  • Moisturize well and repeat at regular intervals.
 However, specifically in warmer months, it is important to stay cool as sweating causes itchiness and make the symptoms of eczema worse. Wear loose fitting cotton clothes cotton allows the air to circulate better and helps to absorb body moisture this helps to keep the body cool and dry. Also it is good to lessen activities that cause a lot of sweating esp-during hot hours of the day. Lastly protect your skin from the sun.

Medication wise:  There is no known cure for eczema; therefore, treatments aim to control the symptoms by reducing inflammation and reducing itching. Corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment.  To treat mild to moderate eczema steroid cream eg. Hydrocortisone may be used for a week; while in more severe cases a higher potency steroid eg. clobetasol propionate is recommended. However, in extreme severe cases, oral on injectable corticosteroids is needed. Although they bring rapid relief but at times shows greater side effects. It can be controlled on an average in 2-3 weeks in majority of cases.  For itch relief, antihistamines are combined.     
Dietary restrictions You can avoid flare-ups by restricting eatables like eggs, fish, peanuts and soya. However, this is very individual and should be discussed with your health care provider. Try to eliminate cigarette, alcohol, caffeine, saturated fats and preserved foods from the diet. Eat more fiber-rich food. Drink plenty of water and take fruit juices like orange.

What to wear with eczema
 Fabric not fashion should be the deciding factor. Cotton is currently one of the most commonly recommended fabric for people with eczema but a specially treated silk (Dermasilk) has shown good evidence to become the fabric of choice for eczema. Wool, nylon and other synthetic fibres have frequently been shown to irritate eczema, so it’s good to avoid these materials.

Fix 5 Winter Hair Woes Now!

December is about to begin and the season has surely turned to the colder side. Now with pleasant sides, winter also bring dry frizzy cold winds that can be your hair’s worst nightmare. Find out what causes these tress troubles and get a slew of solutions to fix them. Dr Sheilly Kapoor, Consultant Dermatology Medanta the Medicity shares the solutions. Read on.

Problem #1 – Dandruff

What causes it

When the mercury drops and there’s little moisture in the air, skin — including our scalps — becomes dry, tight and uncomfortably itchy, causing scaly dandruffs. However, there are other causes as well like not washing or conditioning your hair for than a week or so. A sweaty scalp also contributes to dandruff.  Another culprit is the Pityrosporum ovale fungus. A mixture of oil and fungus speeds up the rate at which dead skin cells are shed from your scalp, leading to dandruff flakes.

What you can do

Alternate shampoos and conditioners that contain different ingredients, such as salicylic acid, selenium sulfide and pyrithione zinc rather using just one anti-dandruff shampoo or conditioner exclusively as the fungus can adapt and become immune to it. Also each ingredient has a different effect, like exfoliating dead cells soothing your scalp and reducing inflammation. Specifically, shampoos rich in ingredient pyrithione zinc can help remove dandruff up to 70 percent more effective.

Problem # 2 – Dryness

What causes it

As winter falls, the wind starts howling and the air gets frigid with very little moisture left in the atmosphere to breathe. And to counter this chill, we crank up our heater that again kills moisture causing more drying effect. So whether you move in or out, your hair surely turns dry and brittle. Moreover, if you love following a regular hairstyling routine, be it colouring or using heat styling tools like blow-dryers, curling irons or straightening irons, your hair dryness gets even worse. Reason is any chemical processing, such as coloring or perming, adds to dryness and affects hair’s structure to retain moisture.

What you can do

  • Use a humidifier to replenish moisture in the air and combat the drying effects of indoor heat.
  • Don’t shampoo your hair daily to restore its natural oils and moisture.
  • Opt for rich, creamy shampoos and conditioners containing moisturizing ingredients, like lanolin, protein, silicone, panthenol or shea butter. They’ll smooth your hair and add hydration.
  • Steer clear of ingredients such as ammonium lauryl sulfate and tea tree oil, because these can strip hair’s natural oils and exacerbate dryness.
  • Use luke warm water to rinse out shampoo, because hot water will make hair dryer. Finish with a blast of cool water to close up and smooth the hair cuticle. When the cuticle is smooth, light reflects off and makes your hair shiny.
  • Once a week, try a deep conditioning intensive treatment with moisturizing aloe, jojoba butter or avocado oil. Choose shea butter hair mask. It is a super-rich formula with shea butter, avocado oil, panthenol and protein that repairs and rehydrates dry, damaged, coarse hair.
  • Be careful drying and styling your hair. Gently squeeze and pat it with a towel to soak up moisture, but don’t rub hair with the towel, as this can damage the cuticle.
  • Avoid heat-styling your hair. But, if you must use one of the heating tools, let your hair air dry for about 30 minutes to lock in some of the moisture and to avoid blow dry.
  • When using hair spray or styling products do skip ones that are loaded with alcohol or strong fragrances as these further dry your hair.
Problem #3 – Hat head

What causes it

Your tresses get crushed and flattened by caps and hats. In particular, headwear that are tight-fitting or made from certain materials — like wool or acrylic — can cause you to perspire. Oil and sweat make your hair look limp and greasy.

What you can do

  • As hats crush your hair, so you need to avoid anything that weigh down your locks even further, like piling on loads of styling products.
  • Don’t miss shampooing alternately. Reason is if you long the gap oil, grease and residue will accumulate and weigh hair down.
  • Before putting on your hat, pull hair into a ponytail, or push short hair back. If possible, choose a hat made from cotton, which is less likely to cause static.
  • Wait until hair is completely dry after shampoo and has cooled off from a hot blow-dry before putting on a hat.
  • For another trick, turn your head upside down, mist the underside of your hair lightly with hair spray then straighten up again. It will give hair lift and volume with no sticky, heavy residue. 
Problem #4 – Split ends

What causes it

Split ends are another crucial concern gets triggered in winters. And the reasons go similar, lack of moisture in the air, heat-styling tools or chemical processes such as colouring, rebonding, perming, etc. The drier your hair is, the more split ends you’ll have, tells Dr Kapoor.

What you can do

If you already have split ends, they can’t be repaired or reversed. All you can do is to get a trim. And to stop it grow, your best bet is to avoid heat styling, keep hair hydrated and visit your stylist for regular trims every couple months.

Problem #5 – Static and frizz

What causes them

Do you remember those static generators from science class that would make your hair stand on end if you touched them? Our tresses often take on the same look in winter. Reason is dry air and cold temperatures, which zap moisture from hair. Pulling wooly sweaters on and off over your head also contributes to the problem.

What you can do

  • Hydrate your hair frequently. Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, or skip those labeled “volumizing” or “clarifying, products, because they can be drying and make hair more prone to static.

  • Opt for leave-in conditioners which feature special polymers that adhere to hair, preventing flyaway strands.

  • Serums are another good choice to coat and moisturize hair.

Whatever your winter hair woes are, these simple tips can surely prove beneficial to give you beautiful locks even during the harsh, blistering weather! So now take a chill pill.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Top 15 Tips To Get Rid of Pimples


Who wants a zit on a flawless face? But, the zits have a will of their own. And where there is a will there is a way, which makes them pop on our faces time and again like undesirable guests. You can squeeze them, but that doesn’t work in the long run. It’s only going to cause scars and shove the bacteria deep down in the surface of your skin. So quit that idea and try some of our ideas. Though they sound zany they work.
1. Try aspirin. How about crushing a couple of aspirins and making a facemask with the help of rosewater and few drops of olive oil. Apply it on your face. Wash off later with warm water. Aspirin has salicylic acid which cleanses the debris of dead cells on your face. When your skin breathes, acne leaves.
2. Try orange peel powder. It’s the most effective way to get rid of acnes. Though a bit cumbersome, it’s worth the effort. Dry orange peel and grind it. Mix it with fuller’s earth. Use yoghurt to make a paste. Apply it on your face and wash it off.
3. Have you tried olive oil? Massage your face gently with olive oil. Use steam to open up the pores. Dab with a cotton towel later.
4. Zap the zits with tea tree oil. Apply it directly on top of the zit.
5. Yoghurt works as an excellent cleanser. Eat it to restore the level of good bacteria in your gut and apply it on your face for thorough cleansing. Put half a teaspoon of salt in yoghurt before you massage it on your face.
6. Try aloe vera. Slice open an aloe vera spike and put the clear gel on your acne. Allow it to dry and wash off later.
7. Get help from calamine lotion. It works because of zinc content. Zinc dries pimples.
8. Try nutmeg powder mixed with honey. Honey is a natural anti-bacterial agent and it keeps your skin soft too. Mixed with nutmeg powder, it helps dry the pimple and reduces itchiness and pain. As a word of caution, do try it on a patch of skin before.
9. Apple cider vinegar works for many people to dry pimples. Dip a cotton ball in it and soak the pimple with it. Vinegar is an excellent exfoliating agent and it helps remove dead cells from the acne, which works in relieving acne.
10. Honey when applied directly on your face helps reduce zits. Wash it off later with warm water.
11. Tomato juice is an excellent astringent. Apply it on your face directly by squishing the tomato pulp, or make a face pack with tomato juice, fuller’s earth and honey. Wear it on your face for a while and wash with warm water. The redness of acne will subside and your face will begin to glow.
12. How about neem capsules? Neem has anti-bacterial properties. It cleanses your system inside out.
13. Mint juice is effective in getting rid of acne. Try it.
14. Tulsi or holi basil helps relieve pimples.
15. Crush a couple of garlic pods and extract the juice. Dab a cotton ball in it and cover the pimple completely with it. Many pimple victims swear by it.
Acne or pimples are an inflammation, which means your body is fighting against it. Supporting your body with nutrients like vitamin C and E supplements helps quell acne in long run. Do not use vitamin E for a long time, because it is fat-soluble. Vitamin C is harmless. Focus on omega 3 fatty acids. These are good fats. Vegetarians can get it from flax seed, walnuts and fish oil is a good source for non-vegetarians. Not only will your acne disappear, but your skin will also begin to glow.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

5 Practical Tips on Dry Skin Care


Battling dry skin or dry skin patches is a constant challenge for most of us. And it gets worst especially in the colder seasons. But, what causes dry skin and how to attain that perfect glow is the actual concern. Worry no more, as My Health Guardian comes to your rescue.
Priya Singh interviews Dr Sheilly Kapoor, Consultant Dermatology with Medanta the Medicity and brings to you 5 practical tips on dry skin care. Keep reading to know the tact for that shiny skin.

Moisturizers and essential oils must be applied religiously. Moisturize your complete body every morning and night, without any laziness. Use a good nourishing cream on your face which has ingredients like jojoba oil, glycerin. And do not forget sunscreen. And be liberal to pour in while your skin is damp. Thick greasy moisturizers or oil-based creams are good dry skin lotions, especially during change of seasons. So when choosing a moisturizer or lotion, try to find a rich cream based lotion. Yves Rocher’s ADN Moisturizing lotion, Oriflame range of moisturizers, and many others likes Aroma Magic, Ponds are some of the best options to select. You can also your beauty consultant for the best lotion for your actual skin type. Body oil (or baby oil) even plays wonders on itchy skin or severely dry skin. Apply after a bath regularly.
Avoid using harsh soaps, handmade natural soaps are best for skin care. When cleaning your body, avoid using harsh alkaline soaps or products that contain alcohol or detergents. Instead use mild cleansers, mild soaps or natural-pH products. Try Guardian Xtracare range of handmade soaps.
Don’t miss on supplements for that supple and soft touch. Primrose oil supplements, Omega 3, antioxidants and multivitamins helps to keep your skin healthy. Include vitamins in your diet, as it is excellent for dry skin care. Moreover, you can apply vitamins C and E on to your face.
Ensure your skin is kept hydrated. Drink plenty of water (at least eight glasses a day). Give your face a sauna by filling a bowl with boiling water and take the steam over your face. Add some essential oils or herbs to the boiling water. (Chamomile, lavender and peppermint are good in a facial sauna for dry skin.)
Try these best kept home remedies too.
  • Egg yolk is great for dry flaking skin. Apply all over the dry area and then when it becomes hard, wash off with warm water.
    Mash a ripe banana and apply to the dry skin, leave for at least 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
  • Coconut oil, sesame oil or avocado oil can be massaged into dry skin.
  • Honey is an excellent moisturizer and can be applied to the skin just as is, leave on for as long as you can (at least 15 minutes) Rinse off with warm water. Honey stimulates the renewal of skin cells and is a well know cure for dry skin.
  • Aloe Vera gel applied to the dry areas will help with dry flakey skin
  • Full cream milk can be dabbed on dry skin with a cotton ball. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse off.
Now, the mantra is made simple for you. Just start following the suggested beauty regime accompanied with good food habit to feel the difference in your skin texture. And yes, don’t ever miss your 8 hours of beauty sleep.

Learn to Do Nail Art at Home


So, you always wanted to ‘do up’ your nails without paying a bomb for it.  Here’s an easy way to do nail art at home. Read the trick
What you will need: nail polish cleanser, nail buffer set, nail filer, cuticle cream, nail polish, nail art stickers and a good design to follow.
How to start - Start with cleaning your nails and clipping it perfectly using nail filers and cuticle cream. Apply cuticle cream on your nails and dip  your palms and toes in lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes. Remove the dead cuticle with the help of filer to peel off the dead layer of your nail. Now comes the turn of buffer set; use three buffer sticks in the sequence of cleanse, moisturize and shine. Later apply a base coat. Let it dry thoroughly.
Create your nail art
There’s plenty of room for creativity—you can create flowers, smileys, abstract designs, etc. to your heart’s content — but don’t make your nails look too cluttered or busy. Few suggestions are given below:
  • Quote a line or a style: Apply a coloured polish to your nail. Go with a strong colour like pink. Then take a toothpick and dip it in black nail paint. Now draw as you please on the dried previous coat to get a neo-modern print on your nails.
  • Mark some dots: Take a white permanent marker and use it to get the polka dots look. Then let it dry for 10 minutes and take a thin tip marker and add dots to the nail paint.
  • Add some sparkle: To get the rainbow glitter on your nails just take translucent or white nail paint. Apply a coat and before it dries, sprinkle on store-brought powdered sparkle (gold or say even black) and let it set. Your disco chic nails will be ready in 15 minutes.
  • Paste on are your best friends. You don’t need messy polish. Just buy ‘paste on’ crystals, small stickers, etc from the local stationery store or beauty store and just use them to accessories your nails within minutes.
Keep your art simple. Care for your art. Re-apply a clear top coat every two or three days to protect your art. Nail art stick-ons tend to lose its adhesive quality when you eat with your hands or clean vegetables etc., so be concious to manage it nicely.
Secret of the French Nail Tip.  This is where a little trickery comes into play. Take a little tape (ordinary cello tape will do) and put it across your nail, separating the top from the middle and bottom. Apply the white polish and then just take of the tape. You’re set with saucy French tips!
Priya Singh

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Love Your Lips to Get Perfect Pout

The skin on our lips is unlike the skin on the rest of the body. Lips have an extremely thin outer layer making them more vulnerable to dehydration and ageing. So you need to be extra careful with your skin. Follow the below regime to get soft smooth looking perfect pout:

Exfoliate Make exfoliating an established part of your lip care routine. Removing the dead and flaky skin on your lips will ensure soft lips. If you have dry lips, exfoliate atleast 2 times a week with a lip scrub homemade or bought. Even a tooth brush will do!

Moisturize it regularly Never leave home without moisturizing your lip skin. This step is essential to keep your lips smooth and beautiful.Use a lip balm. Many brands offer many a variety so pick any that suits your needs.

Tips to get that perfect pout

Apply a primer or foundation for that buoyant look. After moisturizing, this will give a matte effect and act as a base for your lips colour making it last longer on your lips.

Don’t miss to outline Faintly line your lips with a nude lip liner suited to the colour and tone of your lips.

Choose a bold or bright shade of lipstick which matches your skin tone and apply evenly on your lips starting from middle to corners.

Define it with a clear gloss, carefully dab over your bottom lip before dabbing a little concealer under the centre of your bottom lip for a fuller effect. Always apply the gloss in the middle of the bottomlips and press your lips together to distribute the shine across your lips.

So with these tips always follow a daily care regime for your lips to see beautiful change instantly.

Raid Your Kitchen For Fair Complexion

While it is impossible to change the skin colour there are many remedies available in your kitchen which help your skin tan fade, lighten hyper pigmentation of your skin and will improve your skin tone. My Health Guardian tells more…..

 1. Clean your face with a cotton wool dipped in raw milk to brighten the complexion. The logic being that all remedies that work to remove tan will also lighten your complexion. Hence, sour yoghurt and cold milk used as face cleansers will lighten your complexion.
2. Apply mashed over ripe papaya pack on your face to fade away blemishes and to even out the skin tone.
3. Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
4. Pound raw turmeric and add drops of lime juice to it. They act as natural bleaching agents.
5. This summer grate tomato and cucumber. Extract juice and make a pack with fullers earth powder. Add drops of rose oil and put the paste on your face. Put slices of cucumber on your eyes. Rest for a while and wash your face later. Do it at least thrice a week. Your complexion will improve for sure.
6. Orange peel powder is an excellent product to enhance your complexion. Orange peel has volatile oil in it hence dry it in shade. When the peel gets crumb like structure pound it and add it to an cleaning agent, like gram flour, oatmeal powder or fuller’s earth. Keep the ratio 1:1. Make a face pack with sour yoghurt, tomato juice or rosewater. Orange peel has grainy structure and you have to scrub your face to get the pack away. This will help remove your black heads and even out the inconsistencies of your complexion.

Lifestyle Factors

Diet wise–what you eat reflects in the status of your health and your complexion. Although there are no particular foods that will lighten your skin instantly, a balanced diet definitely helps by giving your skin a healthy glow. Emphasise on fruits and vegetables for a radiant complexion. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water to hydrate your skin and keep it blemish free.

Sunscreen—Wear sunscreen when you go out, minimum of SPF 20 to protect your skin from the unforgiving rays of the sun.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

6 Tips to Defy Your Age NATURALLY!

Hundreds of expensive products and procedures exist for beautifying the skin and keeping it looking young and fresh, some of which may also pose dangers to your health. So why not try some of these all-natural, do-it-yourself beauty recipes to keep your skin young and glowing—at a fraction of the cost. Yes, Dr Preeti Chabbra Ayurveda Consultant Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi brings to you some easy to engage home remedies for a beautiful you naturally. Read on

A skin peel from nature Probably one of the fastest ways to look younger is to have a skin peel. While the Retin-A, high-concentration glycolic acid, and harsh chemical peels that cosmetic dermatologists prescribe can decrease lines and result in a smooth skin finish, they also strip your skin's protective layer, increasing your chance of sun damage, skin aging, and skin cancer. In fact, the FDA warns that a high concentration of various skin-peel agents may thin the skin texture. So what‘s the alternative? Simply make a natural skin peel right from your refrigerator. You can use eggplant, tomatoes, pineapple or any other fruits and veggies that contain other natural acids. Thinly slice the ingredients and place them on your face, covering the skin thoroughly. Leave on for 20 minutes, remove the fruit and veggie pieces and wash with warm water. For the first few minutes, your skin may look red, but this should clear up quickly. Follow with a natural moisturizer.

Cucumber to remedy Rosacea.  Rosacea is a chronic skin problem that reddens the forehead, nose, cheeks, and sometimes the chin. Some of the outbreak triggers include alcohol, sunlight, temperature extremes, caffeine, spicy food, among other culprits. In herbal treatment of rosacea, experts focus on soothing the spirit, clearing heat, and using natural remedies to remove skin blockages. A perfect natural remedy is a cucumber mask. Peel the skin off of a fresh cucumber and puree the insides in a blender with one egg white. Coat your face with this mixture, leave on for 30 minutes. And then wash off with cold water. Use this mask daily and you should notice improvement within a month.

Yogurt for a smooth skin texture. Yogurt is a traditional ingredient for healthy skin. It contains lactic acid, a naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acid that gently peels off the dead skin layer, giving you a smooth skin texture. For sensitive skin that cannot withstand commercial alpha-hydroxy acid preparations, yogurt is especially beneficial. Over time, yogurt can also lighten spots and even out a patchy skin tone. To get these results, wash your face and apply organic plain yogurt as a facial cream. Leave on for 15 minutes, wash off with cold water, and finish with a moisturizer. Afterwards, to reduce any redness, apply a cold pack for 10 minutes.

Tone with apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural and effective toner for your skin. The malic acid in vinegar helps renew your skin by ridding the epidermis of dead skin cells. Dilute one part cider vinegar in two parts distilled water. After washing your skin, apply the diluted vinegar solution with a cotton pad to your face and neck. Follow with a natural moisturizing lotion.

Try nature's "face-lift" 

Go for acupuncture face-lift. We have been treating patients with facial-toning acupuncture at our wellness center for over 25 years. Research has shown that acupuncture increases blood flow in the tiny capillaries of the skin and muscles and stimulates collagen production in the dermis layer, which increases skin elasticity. Consult an acupuncturist for a natural face-lift or.

  1. Do-it-yourself "face-lift": Using your fingers, you can tone your facial muscles and stimulate the natural production of collagen in the skin. Press firmly with your fingers, working your way methodically along the following points: 

  • Point 1: relax the forehead with slight fingertip movements
  • Point 2: ease furrow between the brows 
  • Point 3: soothe your crow’s feet around the eyes 

Remember, in all these points you need to press the area concerns with smooth flow of your fingertips for 5 to 10 minutes in clock wise and anti-clock wise, simultaneously. To minimize smile lines stimulate these points in the morning and at night for beautiful skin tone.

Eat tasty super skin foods While many of the tips above use super foods directly on the skin, some you should also eat to retreat your skin.

  • Super skin foods include cherries, peanuts, black soybeans, walnuts, and jujube dates. Citrus fruits are packed with antioxidants that benefit your skin's health. 
  • Eat flaxseed oil, sesame oil, olive oil, and virgin coconut oil and avocado every day to treat dry skin. And eat a daily handful of nuts and seeds, especially almonds nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. 
  • Peaches, an excellent source of potassium and vitamins A and C, have been used in beauty tonics throughout Chinese history. One beauty recipe recommends baked peaches with honey and lavender. A nutrient found in anchovies and sardines, DMAE (dimethyl-amino-ethanol), is a powerful membrane stabilizer that can reverse age spots on your skin.
  • To lighten dark circles and minimize skin damage from free radicals, eat pears. These are packed with copper and vitamin C, antioxidant nutrients that help protect you from cellular damage caused by free radicals, preserving your skin's beauty and vitality. 

All these natural recipes will surely bring you beautiful skin well into your late years. But with all these, one thing that is must is sleeping early. Believe it is one of the oldest age defying tips of all time - yet most don’t follow this! So do not ignore it at any cost. Just remember to stay forever young your entire body needs ease to restore itself.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Even in the Rain

If you have ever put your make up on and stepped out into the rain to have it all run down your face, then you're not the only one. Many women have experienced those awkward moments of embarrassment at one time or another. Although there are numerous brands of water-proof make-up available at hand, it’s not just selecting the right kind that poses a challenge rather it’s also important to understand how to apply make-up the right way so that it lasts longer and doesn’t drip, even when you perspire or get into courtesy of the Rain God. To let you know the right trick here are few tips. Read on to keep your perfect makeup profile even in the rain.

Let’s start with makeup base Beginning at the base it is worth mentioning that often the main cause of smudging is the excessive foundation use. So for those who find it indispensable, might use a thin coat of preferably water resistant, primer mixed foundation. This will helpful in the rain Also it is good to mix primer along with curled lashes, tubing mascara, blush and powder to dazzle in the rain. Powder will prove to be the best tool to offer a slight shimmer and mask the beauty flaws at the same time. This will stick to your complexion rather than any kind of foundation. It will require just a quick touch up during the day and in return guarantees the spotless effect. But do choose the right shade that’s closer to your natural skin tone.

How to handle eye makeup Probably the very first thing that runs down your face is your eye makeup. There's black everywhere and it gets in your eyes and they turn red and within minutes you're a mess. There are two things you can do to prevent this. Firstly, use waterproof mascara. You can still layer it and use the colour of your choice. It doesn't run off in the rain and your eyes continue to glow with distinction and beauty in spite of the weather. Secondly, pick for yourself waterproof eyeliner as well to make sure your eye makeup stays in place. Opt for liquid eyeliners, as they are more likely to stay and also resist smearing than wax-based pencil eyeliners. Eye shadows add highlights to the eyes but some wipe off or run very quickly in the rain, so instead of using powdered eye shadows, use a cream eye shadow. Makeup artists also recommends switching to the cream based yet light like a powder, dark eye shadows with the more natural and sheer colors, with a waterproof quality.

For your blush When powdered blush gets wet, it becomes dark and matted and it looks terrible. Therefore even the makeup gurus often neglect the use of blush during the fall season and instead practice a smashing trick. They use a bit of lipstick you can spread with your fingernails and the effect is just as gorgeous as with the use of blush.

For your lips Lip gloss is the top notch no-no beauty product of the monsoon season. The moment it get in contact with humidity, it results in smudging and unflattering look. That’s why you should rather rely on high quality lipstick that will fabulously top your makeup. There are several formulas and brands on the market that guarantee a long-lasting effect. You can either go for the blood red lips effect or rather for the classy and natural makeup trends. Choose the one you can pull off with great style in order to perfect your monsoon look.

Must Remember Tips :

  • Never use waterproof makeup every day. At the most, use it twice a week because prolonged use of waterproof makeup can darken your skin, especially delicate areas like your lips. 
  • Always moisturize properly and remove all traces of your makeup afterwards, as waterproof makeup usually strips of the moisture from skin. 
  • Better to disregard makeup when you don’t really need it, especially in places such as the beach or while doing water sports, as it’s going to get drenched anyway.

So now with these tips now even if the rain falls all around you, you will look beautiful. Your makeup will be intact.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are You Aware of Thermage

Thermage is a non-invasive method used by cosmetologists to tighten skin, especially for people who have some sagginess in the face, but the lines haven’t become permanent. In this non-invasive therapy, collagen is tightened and its growth is stimulated. A device emits radio waves into the skin that heats up the collagen, causing it to contract. The impact is a lifting and tightening of the affected skin, tells Dr Shehla Aggarwal, Dermatologist, Mehak Skin Clinic.
During the treatment, the professional places on your face, one section at a time, a computerized instrument of the size of a pocket flashlight that delivers radiofrequency energy to the deeper layers of your skin. You will feel warmth on your face each time the energy is delivered. The heat stimulates collagen and tightens it. A session will last between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Anaesthesia may not be necessary. After treatment you skin may remain red for a day or two.

Is It Right For Me?

Age-wise: The best results, the most predictable, are in patients of between 35 and 60 years old। If the skin is too lax, the results will not be so satisfactory.

Cost-wise: One session of thermage will cost between ` 50,000 to ` 100,000 depending on the severity of skin sagging। This needs to be repeated in six months.

How many sessions are recommended?
The result lasts from six months to a year, and needs to be repeated as and when the skin becomes lax.

Go and talk to your dermatologist and feel like a million bucks inside out. You deserve it.

DOT Therapy

DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) Therapy is another innovation to treat wrinkles, scars, unwanted textural irregularities and crow’s feet. The new technology delivers carbon-di-oxide laser energy precisely to targeted areas on face or neck. This system is unique in the way that it ablates a customized pattern of tiny, micro sized dots, rather than the entire skin surface as traditional lasers do. This technology is rapidly replacing traditional laser skin rejuvenation as it is safer without compromising on the positive qualities and the efficacy of the traditional carbon-di-oxide laser systems. Also it involves relatively less pain and post procedure healing is quicker.
Is It Right for Me?

Anyone above 25, experiencing sun damage, abnormal pigmentation, acne scars, rough texture, enlarged pores, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, brown spots or any other skin problems similar to these, can undergo this therapy.
Cost-wise: The cost varies from patient to patient depending on the area that needs to be treated। For full face, it costs around ` 100,000. For cheeks, mouth, eyes, nose, hands, chest, neck – around ` 50,000.

How many sessions are recommended?
Most patients experience excellent results only in one session। However patients with severe acne scarring or deep wrinkles may need 2-3 sessions spaced 2-6 weeks apart.

What is Hydra Facials Therapy

Hydra Facials Therapy (HFT) is the newest advance in non-laser aesthetic technology. It is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating treatment that improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation and brown spots explains Dr Sheilly Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist at Medanta the Medicity. In this treatment the dead skin cells and impurities get exfoliated using a vacuum-based skin abrasion tip, while simultaneously the healthy underlying skin is continuously bathed with active serums that cleanse deeply, hydrate completely and provide residual antioxidant protection, thereby resulting clearer and more beautiful skin. Custom blending of serums is done as per each skin type.

Is It Right for Me?

Age-wise: If you are above 25 years and seeking a non-invasive treatment for fine lines, acne, uneven skin tone, clogged pores or hyperpigmentation; if your skin often reacts poorly to strong chemical peels and standard dermabrasion treatments and if you have naturally dry or sensitive skin, then hydra facials might be right for you। However, it’s recommended to consult with a licensed, experienced skin care provider as only they could ascertain if hydra facials will yield the type of skin enhancement results you want and need.

Cost-wise: The cost of hydra facials can vary based on region and skin care clinic, but a price of ` 8000- 10,000 per treatment is fairly standard।

How many sessions are recommended?
Most treatments take 15 minutes, however larger areas will take approximately 30 minutes or more depending on the size। And at least 4 sessions of hydra facial treatments spaced 2-6 weeks apart is recommended for best results.

Do You Know About Dracula Therapy

Dracula Therapy is the latest non surgical, age defying treatment in news these days. As the name suggests, in this therapy, nearly 15 ml-20 ml (a test tube) of plasma rich blood is extracted from a patient's body, which after being processed with growth hormones gets injected back on the skin to get a fresher, younger and plumper looking skin, informs Dr Urvashi Kaw, Consultant, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at BLK Super Speciality Hospital.
Face, neck, décolleté, and backs of hands are the areas commonly injected by this technique। It takes about 45 minutes for face and neck and the results last more than a year. Patients can notice improvement in about three weeks from therapy because collagen takes 3 months to mature and show its effects.

The concept behind this therapy is that your own blood with additions of growth hormones will help to stimulate the growth of the fresh cells, repair DNA, heal scars and treat wrinkled skin, without any chemical or surgical procedure। However, the blood has to be fresh, otherwise the chances of infection are also there, further warns Dr Kaw.

Is it right for me?
Anyone above 18 years of age can undertake this treatment; however the trend is catching up more among women in their 30s who have the urge to look their best in the social space.
Cost- wise: In India being newest in trend a single sitting for the therapy costs around
` 25, ०००.

How many sessions are recommended?
The number of sittings varies depending on the age and the skin condition. However at least 3 therapies, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart is recommended
Priya Singh

Is your accessory making you sick?

The whole fun of the party season comes from dressing up। However, those suffering from contact allergy dermatitis are not so fortunate and they develop inflammation, irritation, redness and itching, when they wear something that doesn’t suit them. Jewellery dermatitis can even take severe forms when not treated properly.

Jewellery dermatitis occurs primarily at ear lobes, wrists, hands, neck and waistline। The wrists may be involved because of jewellery or the backs of watches and bracelets all of which may contain nickel. Wrist bands made of leather (chrome tanned) are a source of chrome dermatitis, says Dr Sheilly Kapoor, consultant dermatology at Medanta-the-Medicity. Ring eczema beginning around the margins of ring is a typical presentation of hand eczema due to nickel sensitivity. The metallic studs in jeans may lead to periumbilical dermatitis in nickel sensitive persons. Inner wear fasteners can also cause a problem. The offending metals are primarily nickel and chromium. At times, you get dermatitis only in summer and monsoon, because you perspire a lot in these months, which predispose you to allergy.

Accessory wise:
Management consists of primarily avoiding the cause as far as possible although it is better said than done। Initially when the condition is not too bad, just using a moisturiser frequently settles the rash. The next step is to treat it with topical steroids. These are creams, ointments and lotions which contain steroid drugs. They need to be applied once or twice daily until the inflammation has gone. This may take couple of weeks or more after which topical steroid can be stopped. ‘Short courses of topical steroids are safe and usually cause no problems. Other treatments include an antibiotic if the infection sets in. Rarely a course of steroid tablets is needed if the inflammation involves a large area,’ concludes Dr Sheilly Kapoor.
Priya Singh

When Should You Throw Your Makeup?

Sounds strange, isn’t it. But, like all good things in life the makeup too has to go, after some time. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that powders, and eye shadows be discarded after two years and eyeliner, lip liner, lipstick, concealer and foundations be replaced after one year. Mascara has the shortest shelf life of all makeup — dermatologists suggest discarding within three months.

Storage Manual
• In general, you should store cosmetics in a cool, dark, and dry place. Avoid exposing cosmetics to extreme heat. This means do not store cosmetics in the glove compartment of your car.
• Similarly keep makeup away from your bathroom cabinet—a hot and humid place.
• Always cap the bottle and tubes tightly after you have finished with them, so that there is reduced exposure to bacteria.
• Tubes have a longer shelf life than bottles, because you don’t touch the contents, rather squeeze it out as per the need।

Makeup wise
• So how can you tell when a product’s fit for the bin? It depends on the ingredients and the preservatives in a product. But, as a rule of thumb most products without a use-by date should be used within three years of leaving the factory. It sounds like a long time, but what can you expect if you decide to hang on to a product for longer than that.
• Smell your makeup. Your nose will detect if the smell is right or not, and if you are in doubt, out goes the product.
• Not only old makeup but you need to throw makeup sponges and brushes too। Throw sponges after a week’s use.

Priya Singh

What Your Beautician Will Never Tell You

You find it hard to believe, but it’s true. Unhygienic beauty parlours are breeding ground of skin infections. When you go for waxing insist on a new spatula and disposable waxing strips. “A spatula that’s used on more than one person can transmit skin infections, like rash, allergy, itching,” says Dr Rishi Parashar, Delhi based, Dermatologist.
When going for waxing be sure that the person giving the treatment is a trained hand and not a novice who is learning at your expense. If the waxing strip is not pulled out right, you might be left with angry white follicular pustules (Folliculitis) that erupt if a hair follicle undergoes trauma when being pulled out. Some women, especially models, opt for a bikini line wax. The area is teeming with fungus and if proper care is not taken, fungal infections can be transmitted, doctors say.
Before you try anything new during a facial, make sure a strip test has been performed at the back of your wrist। Ditto for hair colour. Ask for disposable facial tissues and cotton to wash off excess cream. It makes sense to carry your own hair colouring brush and comb so that you do not share it with anyone. Sharing combs can infest your hair with lice and can dandruff. If you are a diabetic then avoid pedicures. Fish pedicures have also been a subject of controversy. Better avoid it, and stick to regular pedicures.

Beauty wise
Before you step inside the beauty parlour do some research yourself। Give value to the feedback of people who have visited it. Do not choose a place only because the services offered are cheap. Even a small trip to the place can divulge a lot about the hygiene standards maintained over there and if it’s not satisfactory, begin your search for another place for the upkeep of your looks.
- Priya Singh