Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Let Your Skin Predict Your Age

woman looking closely in the mirror

Since the day we are born, we have been growing older every second. In the early years of our life we are delighted by the idea of growing big and mature but as time slides by and we are in our thirties the quest begins to erase the touches of the time. Sad but true, just the way objects in the rear view mirror are nearer than they appear, the first signs of ageing—wrinkles, uneven skin tone, crow’s feet and sun spots appear sooner than we realize. Dr Sachin Dhawan, Director Clinical & Aesthetic Dermatology at Gurgaon based Artemis Health Institute says, The first signs of ageing have begun to appear in people as young as twenties and you just can’t deny the role of stress in it.”
Though we dread the first wrinkle, still it is not the first sign of ageing. “In Indian context, the first signs of ageing are irregular pigmentation, open pores and fine lines. The more apparent signs like wrinkles and grooves come much later,” informs Dr Dhawan.
Recognise the signs–
Mottled Skin–
Mottled skin or uneven skin tone is caused by the long term exposure to the unforgiving rays of the sun. In fact, dermatologists concur that maximum damage to the skin is caused by photo ageing or sun. The skin could become blotchy, leathery as the youthful even tone begins to fade.
What to do
Instead of a brief summer fling, have a long term affair with sunscreen. This is one beauty staple which you should always carry with you irrespective of the weather. “Sunscreens with minimum SPF of 15 will help shield your skin from 97% of the damage caused by the rays of the sun through out the year, counsels Dr Dhawan. When buying sunscreens be careful and choose those that offer broad spectrum protection, do not clog your pores, are fragrance free and dermatologically tested. You could even wear Calamine Lotion and dust powder on it to get sun protection. Most importantly, the rule with sunscreens is repply.
Enlarged Pores
Given the tropical weather condition of our country, as we grow older we find that the smooth-satin finish of our childhood skin has disappeared and our skin has become riddled with pores. Technically, pores are opening on the skin to the sebum gland to help keep our skin smooth. Enlarged pores imply that the oil glands are over busy.
What to doThere is really no permanent remedy for open pores. You can apply ice on face to tighten open pores, says Dr. Shehla Aggarwal of Mehak Clinic. Wear foundation to hide open pores. Dr Dhruv Gupta, Gurgaon based dermatologist suggests, “Use a good quality foundation with sunscreen. Foundation is actually beneficial for the skin, because it acts like a protective layer between your face and the elements. This is the best way that you can conceal open pores. Wash off the foundation as soon as you reach home with face wash, and follow up with toner.” You can even try getting glycolic acid peels or chemical peels done at your dermatologist’s office to get rid of the open pores.
Dull looking Skin
As you age your skin is not able to shed off the dead skin as fast as it did earlier. As a result the dead skin keeps accumulating and the youthful glow begins to bid adieu to you.
What to do
Tweak your face care routine once again and add an extra ingredient of exfoliation to it. Use face washes and toners that have antioxidants in it. Besides, follow words of wisdom offered by Dr Dhawan, “Balanced eating, moderate exercise, alcohol and tobacco abstinence, adequate sleep and mental relaxation techniques play an important part in keeping the glow intact on your skin.”
Crow’s feet
The skin around your eyes are the most sensitive and they are devoid of fat and muscle tone. This means that when your skin is exposed to the sun this is the first area to develop wrinkles. Again, when you slather sunscreens you tend to miss the area beneath your eyes. No wonder, research studies have found that for 90% women first signs of ageing show beneath their eyes.
What to  do
Wear sunglasses to protect the skin around your eyes. If you smoke then quit it and drink eight glasses of water everyday. Keep your skin soft and supple with a good moisturizer and buy a reputed under eye cream for your eyes. Another homemade treatment for crow’s feet is to use fresh papaya or pineapple. Rub a slice of either fruit carefully along the fines wrinkles you want to get rid of. Allow the juice to sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, rinse it off with cool water; pat dry with a soft towel. Papaya contains “papain” and pineapples contain “bromelain.” Both of these enzymes help remove dead skin cells. They also help spur your skin to produce collagen.
Laughter lines
The skin around our mouths is constantly in use. Hence, this part of your face is vulnerable to the assault of facial lines. Again, the sunscreen that you slather on your face vanishes the moment you eat, drink or lick your lips.  Folks who do facial exercises should quit the habit at once.
What to do
There are things that you can do at home to reduce lines on your face, like exfoliation, taking vitamins, eating fruits and using herbal treatments. Exfoliate at least twice a week. When you exfoliate your skin absorbs the nutrition offered by moisturisers, anti-ageing creams thereby justifying every penny spent on these. When choosing face creams or lotions go for products that have alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). These work against skin-damaging oxygen molecules (free radicals) in your body. These also help collagen growth that fills in lines and eliminates dead cells on skin surface.
Priya Singh

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