Sunday, October 28, 2012

Top 15 Tips To Get Rid of Pimples


Who wants a zit on a flawless face? But, the zits have a will of their own. And where there is a will there is a way, which makes them pop on our faces time and again like undesirable guests. You can squeeze them, but that doesn’t work in the long run. It’s only going to cause scars and shove the bacteria deep down in the surface of your skin. So quit that idea and try some of our ideas. Though they sound zany they work.
1. Try aspirin. How about crushing a couple of aspirins and making a facemask with the help of rosewater and few drops of olive oil. Apply it on your face. Wash off later with warm water. Aspirin has salicylic acid which cleanses the debris of dead cells on your face. When your skin breathes, acne leaves.
2. Try orange peel powder. It’s the most effective way to get rid of acnes. Though a bit cumbersome, it’s worth the effort. Dry orange peel and grind it. Mix it with fuller’s earth. Use yoghurt to make a paste. Apply it on your face and wash it off.
3. Have you tried olive oil? Massage your face gently with olive oil. Use steam to open up the pores. Dab with a cotton towel later.
4. Zap the zits with tea tree oil. Apply it directly on top of the zit.
5. Yoghurt works as an excellent cleanser. Eat it to restore the level of good bacteria in your gut and apply it on your face for thorough cleansing. Put half a teaspoon of salt in yoghurt before you massage it on your face.
6. Try aloe vera. Slice open an aloe vera spike and put the clear gel on your acne. Allow it to dry and wash off later.
7. Get help from calamine lotion. It works because of zinc content. Zinc dries pimples.
8. Try nutmeg powder mixed with honey. Honey is a natural anti-bacterial agent and it keeps your skin soft too. Mixed with nutmeg powder, it helps dry the pimple and reduces itchiness and pain. As a word of caution, do try it on a patch of skin before.
9. Apple cider vinegar works for many people to dry pimples. Dip a cotton ball in it and soak the pimple with it. Vinegar is an excellent exfoliating agent and it helps remove dead cells from the acne, which works in relieving acne.
10. Honey when applied directly on your face helps reduce zits. Wash it off later with warm water.
11. Tomato juice is an excellent astringent. Apply it on your face directly by squishing the tomato pulp, or make a face pack with tomato juice, fuller’s earth and honey. Wear it on your face for a while and wash with warm water. The redness of acne will subside and your face will begin to glow.
12. How about neem capsules? Neem has anti-bacterial properties. It cleanses your system inside out.
13. Mint juice is effective in getting rid of acne. Try it.
14. Tulsi or holi basil helps relieve pimples.
15. Crush a couple of garlic pods and extract the juice. Dab a cotton ball in it and cover the pimple completely with it. Many pimple victims swear by it.
Acne or pimples are an inflammation, which means your body is fighting against it. Supporting your body with nutrients like vitamin C and E supplements helps quell acne in long run. Do not use vitamin E for a long time, because it is fat-soluble. Vitamin C is harmless. Focus on omega 3 fatty acids. These are good fats. Vegetarians can get it from flax seed, walnuts and fish oil is a good source for non-vegetarians. Not only will your acne disappear, but your skin will also begin to glow.

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