Tuesday, March 20, 2012

DOT Therapy

DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) Therapy is another innovation to treat wrinkles, scars, unwanted textural irregularities and crow’s feet. The new technology delivers carbon-di-oxide laser energy precisely to targeted areas on face or neck. This system is unique in the way that it ablates a customized pattern of tiny, micro sized dots, rather than the entire skin surface as traditional lasers do. This technology is rapidly replacing traditional laser skin rejuvenation as it is safer without compromising on the positive qualities and the efficacy of the traditional carbon-di-oxide laser systems. Also it involves relatively less pain and post procedure healing is quicker.
Is It Right for Me?

Anyone above 25, experiencing sun damage, abnormal pigmentation, acne scars, rough texture, enlarged pores, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, brown spots or any other skin problems similar to these, can undergo this therapy.
Cost-wise: The cost varies from patient to patient depending on the area that needs to be treated। For full face, it costs around ` 100,000. For cheeks, mouth, eyes, nose, hands, chest, neck – around ` 50,000.

How many sessions are recommended?
Most patients experience excellent results only in one session। However patients with severe acne scarring or deep wrinkles may need 2-3 sessions spaced 2-6 weeks apart.

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