Thursday, November 19, 2009

Keep pimples at bay

It’s everyone's worst nightmare! Pimples, zits or acne, whatever name you give it can adversely affect your personality. They pop up when you least expect them or want them. They wreck your social life and cause embarrassment. Whether it's the day of a date you've been dying to go, a party you must attend, an interview you have, or the day you were having an important picture taken – these unwanted guests pick to visit.

Although commonly known as a teenage malady, they are not infrequent in adults. A thorough survey indicates that almost 80 per cent of teenagers suffer from acne. As soon as one crosses childhood and enters the threshold of adolescence, different parts of our body start developing. The oil glands underneath the skin become over-active and ooze grease. This often blocks the pores and pimples sprout.


• Oily skin
• Constipation
• Not cleansing the face thoroughly
• Too much consumption of soda, tea, coffee
• Less consumption of water
• Late nights
• Hormonal imbalance
• Hereditary
• Stress factor
• Reaction to medicines

The oilier your skin is, the more chance you have of getting pimples. Each hair follicle is connected to sebaceous glands. These glands secrete an oily substance known as sebum to lubricate your hair and skin. When your body produces an excess amount of sebum and dead skin cells, the two can build up in the hair follicle and form together pimples.


• Itching
• Swelling and discomfort
• Redness, etc.

Zap zits

How is it treated?
Treatment of acne depends whether it is mild, moderate or severe.
For mild acne-regular cleansing and topical applications like clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, suffice.
For moderate acne-oral antibiotics are required in addition to the above
In severe acne- oral retinoids like isotretinoin are required.

Risk of scarring-in mild and moderate acne risk of scarring is minimal
In severe nodulocystic acne pitted or hypertrophic scars can form causing considerable psychological trauma.

For mild and moderate acne chemical peels, in addition to other modalities, give faster response and minimize scarring and improve the texture of skin.

When someone is tormented by acne, please consult a dermatologist to ensure there is no underlying endocrinal cause for acne and also to suggest appropriate treatment. In cases of acne associated with hirsutism and irregular periods and weight gain in females hormonal profile becomes mandatory.

Dos and don’ts

Some do’s and don’ts
• Cleanse your skin regularly with a mild cleanser
• Tone with an alcohol free toner
• Use a gel based sunscreen
• Use an oil free moisturizer
• Drink 2 litres of water daily
• Avoid junk food and caffienated beverages
• Regular exercise goes a long way in maintaining the health of skin in all age groups
• Eat plenty of fresh fruits and salads which are natural source of vitamins and antioxidants
• Avoid injudicious use of cosmetics and beauty procedures from untrained professionals
All the above treatments for both pimples and scars are available at Moolchand Medcity.

There is no use crying over the matter or sitting in gloom over the pimple problem. You have to do something about it. So, why not start today?

Do not pop
Popping your pimples can cause infections and even permanent skin scarring. So unless you really have no choice (see below), try to resist the urge to squeeze, pick, prod or poke.

Pop right
Sometimes, it's just not possible to leave a pimple alone. So if you are going to pop, make sure you pop it right. Thoroughly wash your hands and then lightly squeeze the top of the pimple with a tissue or cotton swab. And remember to gently clean the area when you're done.

Keep patience
Unfortunately, most spots or pimples don't disappear quickly. Sometimes the little blighters can take several weeks to fully leave your face.

Take a break.

Stress tends to trigger acne outbreaks. Does your skin act up more before an exam or a stressful event? Learn to relax. Watch a funny movie. Read a favourite magazine. Feel your skin glow with inner joy.

Swab it
Wash acne-prone areas only twice a day. Washing removes excess oil and dead skin cells. But too much washing can irritate the skin. Wash areas daily with a gentle cleanser and use oil-free, water-based skin-care products.

Pimple control cream
Use an over-the-counter acne cream or gel to help dry excess oil. Look for anti bacterial products containing benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredient.

Hot tip
Wear sun block while out in the sun, as pimples are raw skin and prone to sunburn. Use a facial mud mask. It shrinks the pimples and controls the oiliness. You never use scrub because it can cause breakouts.

Sleep well

Get your beauty sleep of 8 hours daily. Without enough sleep, even your skin acts up. Better ways would be to exercise in the day so you can sleep better at night.

Light makeup
Avoid heavy foundation makeup. Choose powder cosmetics over cream products because they're less irritating. Wash properly after every makeup.

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