Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fight winter blues with these easy steps

Dressing up and looking good comes easy in winter but the season has it minor glitches, like dry skin, rough hair and chapped lips. You can easily tide over these winter time blues.

Don’t say bye to Sunscreen

Though it seems that the sun is very mild in winter but on the contrary during this period sun is most brutal. So, continue using your sunscreen lotion. Look for formulations with SPF of 15 and higher. Ideal would be to use foundation or moisturizer with an in-built sunscreen, everyday.

Moisturize daily
Massage your body at least twice a week. It’s excellent for good circulation and keeping your skin warm, soft and glowing. Coconut oil acts as a natural moisturizer. Due to harsh winds and heating on full blast, your skin is already low on essential oil and if you use soap, the condition gets worsen. So, avoid using soap and instead use a mild hydrating cleanser. Add a few drops of oil to the water that you are using for bath. This will help retain the moisture lost when bathing. Keep baths and showers short and avoid using very hot water during winter as it can sap the natural oils of your skin.

Care for your eyes

Excessive exposure to the biting whether can cause itchiness and redness in the under-eye area. Tiny lines can also appear under your eyes if you neglect your eyes. Guardian offers …………which is a rehydrant under-eye treatment and ……..Under-eye Day Lotion .

Cracked heels

No matter how much you protect, heels tend to become dry and flaky. Try this;

Immerse your feet in a mixture of warm water, salt and baking soda for 15 – 20 minutes. After soaking, rub a pumice stone to scrub off the dead skin.
Use generous amount of moisturizer and put on a pair of socks.

Keep yourself well-hydrated

Water plays a vital role in keeping your skin alive. Drink lots of water, though you may not feel like drinking every now and then like summers but to keep your skin well hydrated, make sure that you drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If your soft ‘n’ supple lips have given way to chapped, flaky lips apply a soothing and quality lip balm.. Besides, make sure that whatever lip gloss you use, it should have moisturizing features.

Be under wraps

Keep your self properly wrapped up in warm clothes before moving out in the cold, socks and scarfs are musts, and before you slip your hands inside your mittens or gloves apply some sort of easily absorbed light hand lotions.

Pamper your hair

Before the chilly winds take a toll on your hair, condition them well. Since the cold weather causes to dry your hair, pamper them with good aloe vera juice or olive oil massage for a few minutes. This will restore its sheen and softness. Olive oil can work wonders in reinforcing moisture to your hair. Heat the oil before using and allow it to soak for just for a few minutes. Avoid exposing your hair to frequent coloring, streaking, or ironing as they can strip your hair off its moisture. Let your hair dry naturally and Keep away from blow dryers. Always cover your hair with a silk scarf to guard it from the chill winds.

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