Friday, November 20, 2009

For a satin smooth skin

For decades now, women have been removing unwanted body hair, using different techniques. Not only does it add to the woman's beauty but it is better for her personal hygiene as well. Even in ancient times, women used hot honey and tree saps to remove hair from the jaw line, upper lip, eyebrows and chin. The practice of hair removal for women became a trend after a famous fashion magazine published for the first time in the history of print media, a picture of a model wearing a sleeveless evening gown, showing off her bare shoulders and underarms. It came as a shock at first but eventually became a trend when women came to realize that underarm hair was unhygienic and unfeminine.

Today men and women alike are spending increasing amounts of money to take out unwanted body hair. Read ahead to know about different techniques available for you.

Shaving is an easy to do, inexpensive body hair removal method. For men and women, hair removal with shaving lasts approximately four to five days. Areas commonly shaved are the face for men and the legs, underarms, and bikini or pubic areas for women. You should shave along the direction of the hair growth, not against it. Dr. Rishi Kumar Parashar, consultant dermatologist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital reveals, “Shaving does not make the hair of your skin shaft thicker or darker. It should be done after applying some type of moisturizer to the skin to help the razor glide over your skin”
This quick and cheap body hair removal technique involves the use of a cotton thread. The procedure is painful and results in skin reddening. Facial areas such as the upper lip, eyebrows, chin, sideburns, and cheeks are normally treated with this method. These areas can remain free of significant amounts of hair for at least two to four weeks.
This summer, you can experiment with laser therapy to get relief from the unwanted hair. Dr Dhruv Gupta, consultant dermatologist, Paras Hospital suggests, “Laser permanently damages the hair follicles. There may be a little redness after the procedure which goes away in a day or two.” He adds, “Before going for laser treatments enquire about the machine and the cooling methods used. Ask for the treatment to be done by the doctor himself and not the technician. Laser helps you reduce hair up to 80-85%.” “The cost of laser hair reduction for underarms (both) is approximately Rs. 2500-3500 per sitting,” he concludes.

Though this method is a little painful, it is good to remove hair from the arms, legs and bikini line. Hair re-growth after waxing is slow and may take as much as two months. It is best to do a patch test for waxing as well. For best results one should continue waxing on a regular basis. Dr Parashar suggests, “Wax that is still left on the skin must be peeled or scratched off. Caution must be used when heating wax so as not to burn the skin.”
Dr Gupta also shares some tips -
• See that the person doing the treatment is qualified and using a good wax.
• Avoid sun exposure immediately after waxing and apply a good sunscreen (SPF >20).
• Use a good antibacterial soap or body wash to prevent infection.
Hair remover creams
Dr. Parashar again expresses, “A depilatory (hair remover cream) is applied to the area with unwanted hair and left on for 3 to 15 minutes. The chemical should be tested first on a small skin area at least 48 hours before applying it to a large area.” He again adds, “Applying a hydrocortisone cream after hair removal may help decrease skin irritation.”
DIY tips
• Apply a mixture of besan and haldi with a little water to face. When it dries, gently rub off. It will remove excessive facial hair.
• Lemon is natural bleach. Apply it with an equal amount of honey and leave on for ten to fifteen minutes. Do this everyday.
• Apply a mask of a paste made of sugar, lemon and water in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bash Beauty Myths

Beauty myths are often no more than old sayings that are handed down to each generation. Some of these misconceptions are centuries old and just plain silly. While logic doesn't seem to play a big factor in beauty myths, they're still abundant. These common beauty myths are pure fiction. Sujaya Guha talks to well-known dermatologists of the city to bash these beauty myths.

Myth: Wearing cream at night will not allow your skin to breathe.

Myth bashed: There is no such fact that applying cream in the night prevents the skin from breathing. Dr. Dhruv Gupta, consultant dermatologist and cosmo laser surgeon with Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon says, “Using cream at night nourishes your skin. When you apply any moisturizing cream it helps the skin from inside and does not block anything on the surface.” In fact it is necessary to slap on plenty of moisturizer before going to sleep, especially if you are in an air-conditioned room.

Myth: Washing hair frequently is harmful.

Myth bashed: Your scalp sweats like the rest of your body plus it produces oil. If you don’t wash your scalp, bacteria will thrive in the warm and cozy atmosphere. So if your hair is oily and you exercise a lot, washing your hair with good quality shampoos and conditioner will not only clean your hair, but also improve its condition.

Myth: Fairness cream can alter the skin colour of a person.

Myth bashed: Your skin colour is largely genetic and fairness products can make a difference of a few shades. Be realistic in your expectations. Dr Rishi Kumar Parashar, consultant dermatologist at Ganga Ram Hospital reveals, “The complexion of the skin is primarily the result of melanin content—pigments that decide your skin colour, in your body. Yes, with intensive skin improvement, under a dermatologist's supervision, your skin can definitely become more even toned, less patchy, healthier and up to 30 to 35 per cent lighter -- but nothing can change the skin colour you were born with.”

Myth: The higher the SPF in your sunscreen, the longer you’ll be protected from the sun.

Myth bashed: A higher SPF number is not necessarily better. The most important thing is that your sunscreen is broad-spectrum, meaning it protects against both the UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays of the sun. If you reapply often, a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen is just as effective as an SPF 50 one; “Your skin protection depends on the ingredients used in the cream and not on the level of SPF,” informs Dr. Dhruv. You can make your sunscreen work for longer hours by reapplying it.

Myth 4: Dandruff is caused by dry scalp

Myth bashed: Dry scalps can flake but the worst cases of dandruff are usually found on oily scalps. Yes, it’s true. Large flakes form in certain areas of the scalp (not all over). It’s a natural condition so can’t be eliminated; it can be only controlled or managed using special anti dandruff shampoos and treatments.

Myth: It is not necessary to wear sunscreen during winter.

Busted: Just because you don’t feel the sun’s rays pounding down on you during winter, doesn’t mean its harmful UVA and UVB rays are not penetrating your skin, causing significant damage. The fact remains that UV-A and B rays are the same the year round, even on a cloudy day. These rays can cause ageing and pigmentation. “Keep sunscreen in your bag, as sunscreens are chemical blocks that require repeated applications” advises Dr. Charulata Bose, cosmetic dermatologist with Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon.

Myth: Eating chocolate and fried foods cause acne.

Busted: Studies have shown that pimples are caused from factors such as extreme stress or dead skin cells blocking pores. Dr. Dhruv shares, “Food on a large basis has nothing to do with the pimples. There is no need to restrict any kind of foodstuff if a person has acne. However, eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables does promote a healthier complexion.”

How can I get a flawless complexion

“A thing of beauty is joy for ever”, wrote Keats. And, a flawless, glowing complexion forms the basic ingredient of beauty. This makes skin care a fascinating subject on which we all have something to share—home remedies, to-do tips or precious nuggets of advice. A flawless complexion is every woman’s dream—just like a solitaire diamond. However, the path to attain one is riddled with age spots, zits, wrinkles and freckles. Skin is the largest organ you have and it withstands elements-wind, sun, rain and cold. Naturally, it needs your tender love and care and a dedicated skin care routine.

 Cleansing. Be careful not to cleanse your face too often. Washing at night should do. Always remove makeup off your face before you hit the sack. “Use a remover without chemicals,” says Kat James, author of “The Truth About Beauty: Transform Your Looks and Your Life From the Inside Out.” “The point is to purify your face, not add harsh synthetics”, says she in the book. While there are several options to clean face—soaps, face wash, cleansing lotions and creams, the ideal option for you depends on your skin type. “Normally, soaps are good for skin below your neck”, say experts because they have harsh detergents. “However, a superfatted soap like Dove or Pears is gentle for your skin”, believes Dr. Simal Soin, consultant dermatologist Indraprastha Apollo hospitals.

 Hard water is harsh on the skin. Spritzing your face with mineral water will make it dewy and supple. Often we prefer cleansing lotions to soap for cleaning our face. Cleansing lotions are useful for removing heavy makeup. Excessive use may cause acne and skin cysts.
• Toning. Toners tighten skin pores. “You can use it, if you have oily skin, as they remove oil, but be careful if you use them on a dry or sensitive skin, as it may burn, itch or leave you with a tingling sensation,” advises Dr. Simal. Going the natural way is a better option for toning skin and rosewater makes an excellent toner.
• Moisturising. Moisturizing ensures that the skin is smooth and supple. The skin on the face dries easily because of the weather. Moisturizing forms a film over the skin and helps in containing the natural moisture of the skin.
• Exfoliate. As our skin grows it casts off dead skin. This dead cell blocks the pores, causes blackheads and makes skin surface look dull. Exfoliation gently removes these dead cells and reveals new softer, clearer and glowing skin. It also helps in boosting the blood circulation. Regular exfoliation helps to offset some the damage caused by sun exposure—uneven pigmentation and wrinkles.
Hot Tip—Always wear sunscreen of SPF 15 to 20 at least twenty minutes before you go out in the sun and reapply it after two to three hours.

Sailing across the beauty maze
You see them on the beauty aisles, stock your bathroom cabinet with these and pack them without fail even for an overnight trip. Yet, you are intrigued at the wide range and names of beauty care products. Below is a simple guide to clear your doubts.
 Cleansing lotions—These are solutions of detergent in water. Some contain oil but in small amounts and some contain antibacterial agents.
 Cleansing bars—they look and feel like soaps but are usually compressed blocks of cleansing creams containing a soapless detergent.
 Cleansing gels—They are quick and easy to use and are generally recommended for all skin types.
 Soap—It is a detergent with alkaline pH. It strips the skin of the grease thereby drying it.
 Moisturising creams—Creams contain approximately 60 percent water. Their relatively high proportion of oil or wax prevents natural moisture from escaping the skin surface.
 Nourishing creams—Often described as night creams these products are heavy moisturizers and they help to soften, balance and refine the skin texture and help to offset the effects of ageing and dehydration.
 Facial scrubs—These products are basically cleansing creams or milks containing grains such as finely ground nuts, oatmeal or tiny synthetic micro beads. Facial scrubs combine a detergent cleansing action with gentle abrasion.
Five must dos for a healthy skin
 Drink water
 Eat a balanced healthy diet complete with fibre, fruits and vegetables.
 Quit cigarettes.
 Bid adieu to alcohol
 Remember—cleansing, toning and moisturizing everyday, twice preferably.

Keep pimples at bay

It’s everyone's worst nightmare! Pimples, zits or acne, whatever name you give it can adversely affect your personality. They pop up when you least expect them or want them. They wreck your social life and cause embarrassment. Whether it's the day of a date you've been dying to go, a party you must attend, an interview you have, or the day you were having an important picture taken – these unwanted guests pick to visit.

Although commonly known as a teenage malady, they are not infrequent in adults. A thorough survey indicates that almost 80 per cent of teenagers suffer from acne. As soon as one crosses childhood and enters the threshold of adolescence, different parts of our body start developing. The oil glands underneath the skin become over-active and ooze grease. This often blocks the pores and pimples sprout.


• Oily skin
• Constipation
• Not cleansing the face thoroughly
• Too much consumption of soda, tea, coffee
• Less consumption of water
• Late nights
• Hormonal imbalance
• Hereditary
• Stress factor
• Reaction to medicines

The oilier your skin is, the more chance you have of getting pimples. Each hair follicle is connected to sebaceous glands. These glands secrete an oily substance known as sebum to lubricate your hair and skin. When your body produces an excess amount of sebum and dead skin cells, the two can build up in the hair follicle and form together pimples.


• Itching
• Swelling and discomfort
• Redness, etc.

Zap zits

How is it treated?
Treatment of acne depends whether it is mild, moderate or severe.
For mild acne-regular cleansing and topical applications like clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, suffice.
For moderate acne-oral antibiotics are required in addition to the above
In severe acne- oral retinoids like isotretinoin are required.

Risk of scarring-in mild and moderate acne risk of scarring is minimal
In severe nodulocystic acne pitted or hypertrophic scars can form causing considerable psychological trauma.

For mild and moderate acne chemical peels, in addition to other modalities, give faster response and minimize scarring and improve the texture of skin.

When someone is tormented by acne, please consult a dermatologist to ensure there is no underlying endocrinal cause for acne and also to suggest appropriate treatment. In cases of acne associated with hirsutism and irregular periods and weight gain in females hormonal profile becomes mandatory.

Dos and don’ts

Some do’s and don’ts
• Cleanse your skin regularly with a mild cleanser
• Tone with an alcohol free toner
• Use a gel based sunscreen
• Use an oil free moisturizer
• Drink 2 litres of water daily
• Avoid junk food and caffienated beverages
• Regular exercise goes a long way in maintaining the health of skin in all age groups
• Eat plenty of fresh fruits and salads which are natural source of vitamins and antioxidants
• Avoid injudicious use of cosmetics and beauty procedures from untrained professionals
All the above treatments for both pimples and scars are available at Moolchand Medcity.

There is no use crying over the matter or sitting in gloom over the pimple problem. You have to do something about it. So, why not start today?

Do not pop
Popping your pimples can cause infections and even permanent skin scarring. So unless you really have no choice (see below), try to resist the urge to squeeze, pick, prod or poke.

Pop right
Sometimes, it's just not possible to leave a pimple alone. So if you are going to pop, make sure you pop it right. Thoroughly wash your hands and then lightly squeeze the top of the pimple with a tissue or cotton swab. And remember to gently clean the area when you're done.

Keep patience
Unfortunately, most spots or pimples don't disappear quickly. Sometimes the little blighters can take several weeks to fully leave your face.

Take a break.

Stress tends to trigger acne outbreaks. Does your skin act up more before an exam or a stressful event? Learn to relax. Watch a funny movie. Read a favourite magazine. Feel your skin glow with inner joy.

Swab it
Wash acne-prone areas only twice a day. Washing removes excess oil and dead skin cells. But too much washing can irritate the skin. Wash areas daily with a gentle cleanser and use oil-free, water-based skin-care products.

Pimple control cream
Use an over-the-counter acne cream or gel to help dry excess oil. Look for anti bacterial products containing benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredient.

Hot tip
Wear sun block while out in the sun, as pimples are raw skin and prone to sunburn. Use a facial mud mask. It shrinks the pimples and controls the oiliness. You never use scrub because it can cause breakouts.

Sleep well

Get your beauty sleep of 8 hours daily. Without enough sleep, even your skin acts up. Better ways would be to exercise in the day so you can sleep better at night.

Light makeup
Avoid heavy foundation makeup. Choose powder cosmetics over cream products because they're less irritating. Wash properly after every makeup.

Erase wrinkles away

Skin is a wonderful organ. It can reveal the world a lot about how we are feeling. As you age, your skin changes in response to the elements that assail it, particularly the sun. On the inside, you may feel as good as ever, but the toll of years on your skin may send a different message. Like death and taxes wrinkles are for sure. However, hard we try to evade them, they always manage to catch up with us, making us wonder, if age is more than a number! With every birthday we seem to get a wrinkle here and a fine line there. However, the only saving grace is that help is available in abundance. Scores of age defying lotions and wrinkle erasing creams hit the market every other day.

Know That Wrinkle

Sometimes no matter how much of anti-ageing cream you apply, those wrinkles remain. Well, may be it is because is a static wrinkle. As the name suggests, these are deeper wrinkles that have already formed a groove on the skin and are present at rest. Dynamic wrinkles are those, which are present on movement. Dynamic wrinkles are treated by Botox and static wrinkles by hyaluronic acid injections. Tissue fillers too help in erasing wrinkles. Simple, safe, and effective, clear gel tissue fillers work by returning volume to the facial fat and muscles deflated by gravity, sun damage and time.
Wrinkles result from the loss of three skin components: collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin.Today, we can replace two of these components [collagen and hyaluronic acid] that we lose as skin ages. While there are no elastin fillers, some products are being developed that may stimulate elastin.

Anti-ageing creams work well for wrinkles that are just setting in skin and affect only the top layer of the skin.

Self care tips to reduce wrinkles
1. Limit the time you spend in the sun. You should limit yourself from exposing your skin towards the sun. The more you expose your skin to ultra violet (UV) light, the higher are the chances of the ageing of your skin, leading to wrinkles. Avoid sun between 10 AM to 3 PM when sun can be merciless to your skin.
2. Fine-tune your facial expressions. Some people have a tendency to knot their eyebrows, frown, glare, or crease their brow, and they've got the wrinkles to show for it.
3. Avoid smoking. Smoking can bring damage to the outermost layers of your skin. Also, skin will loose its strength and this will lead to sagging and creating of wrinkles of the skin.
4. Use moisturizer. A moisturizer can temporarily improve the appearance of wrinkles by plumping up your skin, but it won't have a long-lasting effect. Moisturizers work by locking in moisture on the surface of the skin. The optimal way to use a moisturizer is to apply it to wet skin and then pat your skin dry.
5. Choose the right product. Anti-wrinkle cream helps to reduce the present wrinkles and delays the appearance of new wrinkles. However, it is advisable to see your dermatologist who will evaluate your skin condition and recommend products accordingly.

Hot Tip—Wear sunscreens, one with SPF 15 through out the year. At higher altitudes wear sunscreen with higher SPF. Wear sunscreen 20 minutes before you go out in sun and reapply every three to four hours.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fight winter blues with these easy steps

Dressing up and looking good comes easy in winter but the season has it minor glitches, like dry skin, rough hair and chapped lips. You can easily tide over these winter time blues.

Don’t say bye to Sunscreen

Though it seems that the sun is very mild in winter but on the contrary during this period sun is most brutal. So, continue using your sunscreen lotion. Look for formulations with SPF of 15 and higher. Ideal would be to use foundation or moisturizer with an in-built sunscreen, everyday.

Moisturize daily
Massage your body at least twice a week. It’s excellent for good circulation and keeping your skin warm, soft and glowing. Coconut oil acts as a natural moisturizer. Due to harsh winds and heating on full blast, your skin is already low on essential oil and if you use soap, the condition gets worsen. So, avoid using soap and instead use a mild hydrating cleanser. Add a few drops of oil to the water that you are using for bath. This will help retain the moisture lost when bathing. Keep baths and showers short and avoid using very hot water during winter as it can sap the natural oils of your skin.

Care for your eyes

Excessive exposure to the biting whether can cause itchiness and redness in the under-eye area. Tiny lines can also appear under your eyes if you neglect your eyes. Guardian offers …………which is a rehydrant under-eye treatment and ……..Under-eye Day Lotion .

Cracked heels

No matter how much you protect, heels tend to become dry and flaky. Try this;

Immerse your feet in a mixture of warm water, salt and baking soda for 15 – 20 minutes. After soaking, rub a pumice stone to scrub off the dead skin.
Use generous amount of moisturizer and put on a pair of socks.

Keep yourself well-hydrated

Water plays a vital role in keeping your skin alive. Drink lots of water, though you may not feel like drinking every now and then like summers but to keep your skin well hydrated, make sure that you drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If your soft ‘n’ supple lips have given way to chapped, flaky lips apply a soothing and quality lip balm.. Besides, make sure that whatever lip gloss you use, it should have moisturizing features.

Be under wraps

Keep your self properly wrapped up in warm clothes before moving out in the cold, socks and scarfs are musts, and before you slip your hands inside your mittens or gloves apply some sort of easily absorbed light hand lotions.

Pamper your hair

Before the chilly winds take a toll on your hair, condition them well. Since the cold weather causes to dry your hair, pamper them with good aloe vera juice or olive oil massage for a few minutes. This will restore its sheen and softness. Olive oil can work wonders in reinforcing moisture to your hair. Heat the oil before using and allow it to soak for just for a few minutes. Avoid exposing your hair to frequent coloring, streaking, or ironing as they can strip your hair off its moisture. Let your hair dry naturally and Keep away from blow dryers. Always cover your hair with a silk scarf to guard it from the chill winds.

Yves Rocher is now in India