Less enterprising one’s have remained content with anti-ageing creams and accepted ageing but brave hearts refuse to sag before the diktats of time. Until now the option available was face lift surgery, where cosmetic surgeon would remove excess skin and fat and tuck it behind your ears or inside your skull. This explains why many actors or actresses have a face that looks like it has been freshly ironed and an expression that’s always surprised or wind swept. Then there was Botox. Yes, the procedure was simple, you would go to your cosmetologist who would give you a shot of botulinum, a toxin that would paralyse your facial muscles and ‘come-what-may’ in life, your expression would remain wooden, like frozen in time. Good for CEO’s who wouldn’t like their face to give-away their mood during power-lunches or business meetings, but for normal people who just wished to defy ageing this wasn’t suited at all.
What’s a stem-cell face lift
Looks like in 2010 God has granted the wishes of people like me who would like to have a youthful face and are not willingly to go under the knife. The remedy available is Stem cell facelift and it is carried under local anaesthesia. As we age our face loses collagen, which gives it youthful fullness and our features become bony. This procedure harvests fat from the body part where it is in abundance like lower abdomen using a syringe. “The fat is then processed through a machine that cleans the cells, which the practitioner injects with the fat and stem cells around the muscles, into the soft skin tissues in the face,” informed senior cosmetic surgeon Dr Anup Dhir with Apollo Hospitals.
The magical ingredient in this therapy is stem cell. Because they are body’s basic building block; everything else can grow from stem cells. Results? Badly wrinkled foreheads, sagging cheeks, hollow places under eyes, thinned lips and drooping jaw lines are rejuvenated.
- No risk of damaging facial nerves, arteries or veins
- No allergies in your own donated fat
- Less recovery time
- Also being available to rejuvenate for bony, aged hands
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