Banish body odour
- Bathe at least twice a day. Just don’t stand still below the shower, rather work up lather with a loofa all over your body in circular motion. You can use soap or body wash for the same. Scrubbing the body will help you get rid of the dead cells that clog the sweat pores. Pay special attention to the areas that sweat a lot, like underarms, neck, groin.
- Towel yourself dry and use talcum powder generously to get rid of body odour. There are many products available in the market like anti-perspirant deodourants, colognes or perfumes to mask your body odour.
- Underarms sweat a lot. Keep the arm pits clean so that sweat doesn’t get much of body surface to multiply the bacteria.
- Generally, we believe that in summers go for sleeveless. But if you have a body odour problem wear dresses with sleeves.
- Stop skimping on detergent and wash your clothes after you have worn them once.
- Add a few drops of tea tree oil or eau-de-cologne in your bath water to let the refreshing smell envelop you.
- One trick that seems to work to control body odour is to keep wet wipes handy. When ever you are wet with sweat a lot and are at risk of body odour wipe the sweaty surfaces including your underarms with fresh wet wipes and allow it to dry. You can also use drops of after shave in a tissue to wipe the area dry. Alcohol in after shave helps deodourize odour of your underarms.
1. Baking soda—it not only helps deodourize refrigerators but humans as well. Make a paste and put it on your underarms. Allow it to dry and wash later.
2. Apple cider vinegar—dab your skin with apple cider vinegar to reduce the smell of body odour.
3. Wheat grass juice—any kind of odour emanating from the body indicates that the pH balance of the body has turned acidic. Once it shifts to alkaline, the offending odour will also be a thing of the past. Drink wheat grass juice or have wheat grass capsules to send body odour to exile.
4. Zen like approach—when you’re calm you sweat less. Now, you see the connect.
In addition to all these doable tips, you should drink ample of water too and keep distance from spicy foods, particularly strong smelling garlic
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