a woman without her curves? Placed at ‘strategic’ locations they make
you look like a diva, but when they land up on trouble spots like butt,
belly and arms they mercilessly discount your sex appeal. Swerve the
curve in your favour with little help from yoga.
Dr Deepak Sachdeva, Yoga Expert and Founder of Medical Yoga Centre,
Delhi talks to Priya Singh on how to target your trouble spots. Here are
4 easy to do yoga asanas that play wonders in melting those obstinate
fat spots.
1. Utkatasana (chair pose) to reshape hip, bottom
and thigh – It is one of the best exercises for your hips, bottom and
thighs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, toes
pointing slightly outwards and squat as though you were sitting into or
standing out of a chair. Your knees should not extend beyond the line of
your toes. Do 10-15 squats every other day. Raise the intensity by
slowing down and holding the squat for 2 to 3 seconds.
Benefits: Tones and strengthen the lower back, legs and thigh. Chest and belly also gets stretched.
2. Ushtra asana (Camel pose) is good to flatten your
stomach – Sit on the floor and fold your legs at the knees with knees
kept apart at 6 inch distance. Now stand on your knees keeping your
ankles and toes flexed and bend the waist back and neck backwards.
Firmly hold the back of left ankle with left hand and back of the right
ankle with right hand. Push the chest front upward as in the shape of a
bow. Breathe normally. Stay in this position for 5 to 10 seconds and
slowly come to normal position. As your practice increases, hold this
asana for 30 to 60 seconds.
Benefits: Reduces fat on the stomach and
strengthens knees, thighs, arms, waist, back and neck. Makes your spine
flexible and cures the diseases of lungs, chest and heart.
3. Parivritta-parshvakona-asana (Turned side-angle pose) for slim waist:
Inhale and spread your legs apart slightly further than shoulder
distance (about 3-4 feet). Stretch your arms straight out from the
shoulders parallel to the floor with your palms facing down. Exhale
slowly and turn your right foot toward the right 90 degrees. Bend your
right knee about 90 degrees. Place the palm of your left hand flat on
the floor next to the outside of your right foot. Rest the right elbow
on the outside of the right knee. Stretch the right arm over your head,
parallel with the floor, with the inside of the elbow resting on the
ear. Hold for about 30-60 seconds while breathing gently through the
nostrils. Slowly return to a standing position and repeat on the other
side reversing directions. Repeat 10-15 times on each side.
Benefits – Stretches the muscle group along
the side of the torso and strengthens the ankles, calves and thighs as
well as arms. Excellent posture to tone the muscles in the waist and
4. Banish bingo wings with Vasisthasana - From Plank
Pose, shift your weight onto your right arm as you roll onto the
outside of your right foot. Keeping both feet flexed, stack the left
foot on top of the right with the legs very straight. Bring the left arm
up to the ceiling and the gaze to the left fingertips. After several
breaths, roll back the center and do the other side, resting in Downward
Facing Dog between the two sides if you like.
Benefits: Strengthens the arms and spine. Good preparation for more challenging arm balances
While any style of yoga is good for your wellbeing, some styles burn
more calories thereby resulting in less fat and more muscle, tell
experts. So incorporate the suggested styles in your daily fitness
regime. Start today to feel the difference. Stay Fit!
Priya Singh