Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Let Your Skin Predict Your Age

woman looking closely in the mirror

Since the day we are born, we have been growing older every second. In the early years of our life we are delighted by the idea of growing big and mature but as time slides by and we are in our thirties the quest begins to erase the touches of the time. Sad but true, just the way objects in the rear view mirror are nearer than they appear, the first signs of ageing—wrinkles, uneven skin tone, crow’s feet and sun spots appear sooner than we realize. Dr Sachin Dhawan, Director Clinical & Aesthetic Dermatology at Gurgaon based Artemis Health Institute says, The first signs of ageing have begun to appear in people as young as twenties and you just can’t deny the role of stress in it.”
Though we dread the first wrinkle, still it is not the first sign of ageing. “In Indian context, the first signs of ageing are irregular pigmentation, open pores and fine lines. The more apparent signs like wrinkles and grooves come much later,” informs Dr Dhawan.
Recognise the signs–
Mottled Skin–
Mottled skin or uneven skin tone is caused by the long term exposure to the unforgiving rays of the sun. In fact, dermatologists concur that maximum damage to the skin is caused by photo ageing or sun. The skin could become blotchy, leathery as the youthful even tone begins to fade.
What to do
Instead of a brief summer fling, have a long term affair with sunscreen. This is one beauty staple which you should always carry with you irrespective of the weather. “Sunscreens with minimum SPF of 15 will help shield your skin from 97% of the damage caused by the rays of the sun through out the year, counsels Dr Dhawan. When buying sunscreens be careful and choose those that offer broad spectrum protection, do not clog your pores, are fragrance free and dermatologically tested. You could even wear Calamine Lotion and dust powder on it to get sun protection. Most importantly, the rule with sunscreens is repply.
Enlarged Pores
Given the tropical weather condition of our country, as we grow older we find that the smooth-satin finish of our childhood skin has disappeared and our skin has become riddled with pores. Technically, pores are opening on the skin to the sebum gland to help keep our skin smooth. Enlarged pores imply that the oil glands are over busy.
What to doThere is really no permanent remedy for open pores. You can apply ice on face to tighten open pores, says Dr. Shehla Aggarwal of Mehak Clinic. Wear foundation to hide open pores. Dr Dhruv Gupta, Gurgaon based dermatologist suggests, “Use a good quality foundation with sunscreen. Foundation is actually beneficial for the skin, because it acts like a protective layer between your face and the elements. This is the best way that you can conceal open pores. Wash off the foundation as soon as you reach home with face wash, and follow up with toner.” You can even try getting glycolic acid peels or chemical peels done at your dermatologist’s office to get rid of the open pores.
Dull looking Skin
As you age your skin is not able to shed off the dead skin as fast as it did earlier. As a result the dead skin keeps accumulating and the youthful glow begins to bid adieu to you.
What to do
Tweak your face care routine once again and add an extra ingredient of exfoliation to it. Use face washes and toners that have antioxidants in it. Besides, follow words of wisdom offered by Dr Dhawan, “Balanced eating, moderate exercise, alcohol and tobacco abstinence, adequate sleep and mental relaxation techniques play an important part in keeping the glow intact on your skin.”
Crow’s feet
The skin around your eyes are the most sensitive and they are devoid of fat and muscle tone. This means that when your skin is exposed to the sun this is the first area to develop wrinkles. Again, when you slather sunscreens you tend to miss the area beneath your eyes. No wonder, research studies have found that for 90% women first signs of ageing show beneath their eyes.
What to  do
Wear sunglasses to protect the skin around your eyes. If you smoke then quit it and drink eight glasses of water everyday. Keep your skin soft and supple with a good moisturizer and buy a reputed under eye cream for your eyes. Another homemade treatment for crow’s feet is to use fresh papaya or pineapple. Rub a slice of either fruit carefully along the fines wrinkles you want to get rid of. Allow the juice to sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, rinse it off with cool water; pat dry with a soft towel. Papaya contains “papain” and pineapples contain “bromelain.” Both of these enzymes help remove dead skin cells. They also help spur your skin to produce collagen.
Laughter lines
The skin around our mouths is constantly in use. Hence, this part of your face is vulnerable to the assault of facial lines. Again, the sunscreen that you slather on your face vanishes the moment you eat, drink or lick your lips.  Folks who do facial exercises should quit the habit at once.
What to do
There are things that you can do at home to reduce lines on your face, like exfoliation, taking vitamins, eating fruits and using herbal treatments. Exfoliate at least twice a week. When you exfoliate your skin absorbs the nutrition offered by moisturisers, anti-ageing creams thereby justifying every penny spent on these. When choosing face creams or lotions go for products that have alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). These work against skin-damaging oxygen molecules (free radicals) in your body. These also help collagen growth that fills in lines and eliminates dead cells on skin surface.
Priya Singh

Must Have Beauty Essentials for Winters


Winter has announced its arrival. The weather has turned nippy and your skin is the first one to bear the brunt of elements (read cold winds). The basics of skin care remain the same for winter too: cleansing, toning and moisturising but you need to tweak these products a bit. In summer, a foaming face wash was good but as the temperature dips you should switch to a mild cleanser, preferably a lotion. Similarly your toner should be of non-drying types and your moisturiser should be a richer version of the one that you used in the summer. Priya Singh enlists ten must have beauty essentials that every girl should keep in her vanity kit.
1. Heavy duty moisturizer with SPF protection: Cold winds can strip moisture from your skin, particularly your facial skin. Wear moisturisers diligently after cleaning your face. Switch to oil based moisturisers in place of water as they form a barrier on your skin and look for “nonclogging” oils, like avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil. Do not avoid sunscreen protection just because it’s winter. The rays of the sun will wreak damage on your skin nevertheless. Sunscreen Protection Factor 15 is good for Indian skin tones.
 2. Gentle exfoliating agents: In these months our skin’s turnover rate goes down, hence you should add a gentle exfoliating agent in your skin care ritual to remove the dead cells from your skin. Any scrub which has AHA agents will be a good exfoliator. Lactic acid (sour yoghurt) is a wonderful exfoliator that removes dead cells without being harsh. Gentle peeling creams are better than the regular scrubs. Remember to tone (rose water) your skin after exfoliating it and follow it up with a good moisturiser.
 3. Switch your face masks. Give hydrating face masks a chance now. Avoid face masks that have clay in it as they can absorb extra oil from your skin. Now, your masks should have ingredients like glycerine, honey which can nourish your skin.
 4. How about hand creams? Your hands bear the brunt of cold weather more than your face. Shower these with some TLC and you’ll be rewarded with a soft and smooth pair of hands. Exfoliate your hands and apply a good hand cream later. Wear cotton gloves later to seal in the moisture.
 5. Put your best foot forward. Winter means dry, dehydrated and cracked heels for many. Not only this is painful but embarrassing too. Dip your heels in a basin of warm salted water in which baking soda and shampoo has been added. Scrub the topmost layer gently with a good quality pumice stone. Refrain from buying the cheaper version available at your local kirana store. Follow it up with a generous massage by a rich, hydrating foot cream.
 6. Have you splurged on hair masks? The cold winds and the dipping temperature steal moisture and lustre from your precious strands. Protect your hair by wearing nourishing hair masks. Make it once-a-week affair and your hair will bounce with health.
7. Lip balms. Your lips don’t have any oil glands. Naturally they dry out faster than your skin. Hence buy a good quality lip balm to keep your lips hydrated and well moisturised. You can also switch to creamy lipsticks in place of the long lasting ones to keep your lips happy.
 8. Eye cream: The delicate skin around your eyes can get really damaged by cold air and harsh winds. Even though you might apply in the AM, applying eye cream mid-day when you leave your office will keep the skin around the eyes protected.
9. Oil massage. This sounds delicious and feels heavenly. At least once a month treat yourself to a whole body oil massage. You can use coconut or olive oil for the massage and your skin will definitely feel better and more hydrated later.
10. Body butter: This is thicker than a regular lotion and provides much needed nourishment to the dry and dehydrated skin.
In winter you may not feel thirsty but you should have ten glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. If you use room heaters then place a bowl of water in the room so that your skin doesn’t feel parched when you wake up. Hot water baths may feel heavenly, but you should avoid it as it can dry your skin. Instead prefer tepid water and put a capful of baking soda in it to keep your skin moist. Emphasise on healthy foods and be regular with exercise and the result will reflect in a healthy glow on your face.

Glow like a Gemstone

There is no denying that every woman loves a day at the salon. Reason is there is no better way to pamper and get that much-needed relaxation and dazzling effect, instantly. And when the celebration season is on the cards, the idea of receiving the exotic facials gets all more important. So to glow like a gemstone this party season, why not try ‘gemstone facial’.  Yes, you heard right! Gemstone facials are a great way to keep your skin young and beautiful tells expert beauty therapist Shenaz Hussain. But don’t just get swayed away by the great marketing gimmicks. Before heading to the parlor for your all-important beauty ritual, ‘the facial’, skin type must surely be kept in mind.

It’s well known that we have a fondness for gold – and other precious metals and gems like silver, pearls, diamonds platinum, etc. But crushing these lifestyle accessories in a beauty tool like facial is something that requires a deep study. As, all that glitters do not surely can make your skin shine too! And if it can really make one get shiny skin instantly, then what the logic is behind, is what Guardian Health Chronicle team explains here. Read to select right one…
What Does Your Skin Demand
Sapphire is for youthful glow. The contents of this stone helps to soothe, deeply hydrate and protect the skin making it appear clear, smooth, rejuvenated and youthful. It removes dead cells, restores and maintains the ideal skin and safeguards it from harmful environmental effects. Also, the blue sapphire treatment is believed to induce sleep and wipe away depression.
Diamonds are mostly used for skin lightening process. Mostly used for micro-dermabrasion and skin polishing, this facial includes a diamond wand which has an array of “diamond” crystals used to polish the skin, leaving it luminous and radiant. If you have a sensitive skin type or if you complain about discolouration of facial skin or blackheads, whiteheads, acne scarring, enlarged pores, lip and character lines and stretch marks, you must go for diamond facial. The procedure is also used to diminish white heads, fine lines,
Silver facial helps in skin detoxification and purification, claims the cosmetic industry. It helps prevent blackheads too. Skin clinics also claim that silver works best on dehydrated skin by restoring lost nourishment.
Gold facials give skin instant radiant lustre. The gold in the products is said to retain moisture in the skin, increase flexibility and smoothness, slow down collagen depletion and prevent sagging skin. It also apparently improves lymphatic drainage (a network of veins in the body that removes toxins) and regenerate skin cells and fights damaging free radicals to prevent premature ageing.
Pearl helps in skin brightening and reducing blemishes and dark spots. It is naturally rich in amino acids, minerals, and proteins that have powerful age control properties. Also it helps to strengthen the skin, improve its moisture retention ability and produce an even colour tone.
Platinum facial recharges and energizes your skin. It influences the skin at the cellular level and helps to ensure the strength of its supportive tissues. It maintains the desired moisture level. It has powerful anti-oxidant effects which protect the skin’s youthful properties and impart radiance. It is mostly recommended to combination skin type.
Amber detoxifies and protects your skin from radiation, drawing positive power and energy. Known as a happy stone it cleanses the skin thoroughly but gently to make your skin feel soft and relaxed.
Onyx purifies the skin and stimulates cellular regeneration. Black in colour, it particularly helps in healing infected wounds, fungal infections, inflammation as well as sunburn.
Red rays of Ruby stone strengthen and nourish the facial skin, treat skin infections and improve blood circulation. Being the gem of sun it gives lustre to the skin. That is not all. It is a good moisturiser and a rich source of Vitamin A which is excellent for an ageing skin too.
Pink tourmaline helps maintaining the correct level of moisture in our skin. It involves much time for the massage process as it calms down the skin and soothes it. It also calms our mind and promotes harmonization.
Emerald is best for anti-ageing and repairing skin damage properties. The emerald ash infused (soaked without boiling) in the cream helps to rejuvenate and tone the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It further strengthens the skin and increases elasticity, prevents pimple formation and removes excess oil from the skin. With its natural astringent and antiseptic properties it cures acne prone skin. It even relieves fatigued eyelids and also makes the lips look healthier.
Celeb’s Speak
 Gautami Kapoor, TV Actress
I got a gold facial done when I got married and was happy with it. I am a great believer in facials and get one done every two months. For some years, I have been hooked to pearl facials. My skin is sensitive, but this is one treatment that suits me. The pearl facial makes my skin look clean and even-toned. It is meant for whitening, so I do it when I have a tan. I am tempted to try out diamond facials too. My husband doesn’t believe in these treatments, but I am a convert.