Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are You Aware of Thermage

Thermage is a non-invasive method used by cosmetologists to tighten skin, especially for people who have some sagginess in the face, but the lines haven’t become permanent. In this non-invasive therapy, collagen is tightened and its growth is stimulated. A device emits radio waves into the skin that heats up the collagen, causing it to contract. The impact is a lifting and tightening of the affected skin, tells Dr Shehla Aggarwal, Dermatologist, Mehak Skin Clinic.
During the treatment, the professional places on your face, one section at a time, a computerized instrument of the size of a pocket flashlight that delivers radiofrequency energy to the deeper layers of your skin. You will feel warmth on your face each time the energy is delivered. The heat stimulates collagen and tightens it. A session will last between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Anaesthesia may not be necessary. After treatment you skin may remain red for a day or two.

Is It Right For Me?

Age-wise: The best results, the most predictable, are in patients of between 35 and 60 years old। If the skin is too lax, the results will not be so satisfactory.

Cost-wise: One session of thermage will cost between ` 50,000 to ` 100,000 depending on the severity of skin sagging। This needs to be repeated in six months.

How many sessions are recommended?
The result lasts from six months to a year, and needs to be repeated as and when the skin becomes lax.

Go and talk to your dermatologist and feel like a million bucks inside out. You deserve it.

DOT Therapy

DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) Therapy is another innovation to treat wrinkles, scars, unwanted textural irregularities and crow’s feet. The new technology delivers carbon-di-oxide laser energy precisely to targeted areas on face or neck. This system is unique in the way that it ablates a customized pattern of tiny, micro sized dots, rather than the entire skin surface as traditional lasers do. This technology is rapidly replacing traditional laser skin rejuvenation as it is safer without compromising on the positive qualities and the efficacy of the traditional carbon-di-oxide laser systems. Also it involves relatively less pain and post procedure healing is quicker.
Is It Right for Me?

Anyone above 25, experiencing sun damage, abnormal pigmentation, acne scars, rough texture, enlarged pores, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, brown spots or any other skin problems similar to these, can undergo this therapy.
Cost-wise: The cost varies from patient to patient depending on the area that needs to be treated। For full face, it costs around ` 100,000. For cheeks, mouth, eyes, nose, hands, chest, neck – around ` 50,000.

How many sessions are recommended?
Most patients experience excellent results only in one session। However patients with severe acne scarring or deep wrinkles may need 2-3 sessions spaced 2-6 weeks apart.

What is Hydra Facials Therapy

Hydra Facials Therapy (HFT) is the newest advance in non-laser aesthetic technology. It is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating treatment that improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation and brown spots explains Dr Sheilly Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist at Medanta the Medicity. In this treatment the dead skin cells and impurities get exfoliated using a vacuum-based skin abrasion tip, while simultaneously the healthy underlying skin is continuously bathed with active serums that cleanse deeply, hydrate completely and provide residual antioxidant protection, thereby resulting clearer and more beautiful skin. Custom blending of serums is done as per each skin type.

Is It Right for Me?

Age-wise: If you are above 25 years and seeking a non-invasive treatment for fine lines, acne, uneven skin tone, clogged pores or hyperpigmentation; if your skin often reacts poorly to strong chemical peels and standard dermabrasion treatments and if you have naturally dry or sensitive skin, then hydra facials might be right for you। However, it’s recommended to consult with a licensed, experienced skin care provider as only they could ascertain if hydra facials will yield the type of skin enhancement results you want and need.

Cost-wise: The cost of hydra facials can vary based on region and skin care clinic, but a price of ` 8000- 10,000 per treatment is fairly standard।

How many sessions are recommended?
Most treatments take 15 minutes, however larger areas will take approximately 30 minutes or more depending on the size। And at least 4 sessions of hydra facial treatments spaced 2-6 weeks apart is recommended for best results.

Do You Know About Dracula Therapy

Dracula Therapy is the latest non surgical, age defying treatment in news these days. As the name suggests, in this therapy, nearly 15 ml-20 ml (a test tube) of plasma rich blood is extracted from a patient's body, which after being processed with growth hormones gets injected back on the skin to get a fresher, younger and plumper looking skin, informs Dr Urvashi Kaw, Consultant, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at BLK Super Speciality Hospital.
Face, neck, décolleté, and backs of hands are the areas commonly injected by this technique। It takes about 45 minutes for face and neck and the results last more than a year. Patients can notice improvement in about three weeks from therapy because collagen takes 3 months to mature and show its effects.

The concept behind this therapy is that your own blood with additions of growth hormones will help to stimulate the growth of the fresh cells, repair DNA, heal scars and treat wrinkled skin, without any chemical or surgical procedure। However, the blood has to be fresh, otherwise the chances of infection are also there, further warns Dr Kaw.

Is it right for me?
Anyone above 18 years of age can undertake this treatment; however the trend is catching up more among women in their 30s who have the urge to look their best in the social space.
Cost- wise: In India being newest in trend a single sitting for the therapy costs around
` 25, ०००.

How many sessions are recommended?
The number of sittings varies depending on the age and the skin condition. However at least 3 therapies, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart is recommended
Priya Singh

Is your accessory making you sick?

The whole fun of the party season comes from dressing up। However, those suffering from contact allergy dermatitis are not so fortunate and they develop inflammation, irritation, redness and itching, when they wear something that doesn’t suit them. Jewellery dermatitis can even take severe forms when not treated properly.

Jewellery dermatitis occurs primarily at ear lobes, wrists, hands, neck and waistline। The wrists may be involved because of jewellery or the backs of watches and bracelets all of which may contain nickel. Wrist bands made of leather (chrome tanned) are a source of chrome dermatitis, says Dr Sheilly Kapoor, consultant dermatology at Medanta-the-Medicity. Ring eczema beginning around the margins of ring is a typical presentation of hand eczema due to nickel sensitivity. The metallic studs in jeans may lead to periumbilical dermatitis in nickel sensitive persons. Inner wear fasteners can also cause a problem. The offending metals are primarily nickel and chromium. At times, you get dermatitis only in summer and monsoon, because you perspire a lot in these months, which predispose you to allergy.

Accessory wise:
Management consists of primarily avoiding the cause as far as possible although it is better said than done। Initially when the condition is not too bad, just using a moisturiser frequently settles the rash. The next step is to treat it with topical steroids. These are creams, ointments and lotions which contain steroid drugs. They need to be applied once or twice daily until the inflammation has gone. This may take couple of weeks or more after which topical steroid can be stopped. ‘Short courses of topical steroids are safe and usually cause no problems. Other treatments include an antibiotic if the infection sets in. Rarely a course of steroid tablets is needed if the inflammation involves a large area,’ concludes Dr Sheilly Kapoor.
Priya Singh

When Should You Throw Your Makeup?

Sounds strange, isn’t it. But, like all good things in life the makeup too has to go, after some time. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that powders, and eye shadows be discarded after two years and eyeliner, lip liner, lipstick, concealer and foundations be replaced after one year. Mascara has the shortest shelf life of all makeup — dermatologists suggest discarding within three months.

Storage Manual
• In general, you should store cosmetics in a cool, dark, and dry place. Avoid exposing cosmetics to extreme heat. This means do not store cosmetics in the glove compartment of your car.
• Similarly keep makeup away from your bathroom cabinet—a hot and humid place.
• Always cap the bottle and tubes tightly after you have finished with them, so that there is reduced exposure to bacteria.
• Tubes have a longer shelf life than bottles, because you don’t touch the contents, rather squeeze it out as per the need।

Makeup wise
• So how can you tell when a product’s fit for the bin? It depends on the ingredients and the preservatives in a product. But, as a rule of thumb most products without a use-by date should be used within three years of leaving the factory. It sounds like a long time, but what can you expect if you decide to hang on to a product for longer than that.
• Smell your makeup. Your nose will detect if the smell is right or not, and if you are in doubt, out goes the product.
• Not only old makeup but you need to throw makeup sponges and brushes too। Throw sponges after a week’s use.

Priya Singh

What Your Beautician Will Never Tell You

You find it hard to believe, but it’s true. Unhygienic beauty parlours are breeding ground of skin infections. When you go for waxing insist on a new spatula and disposable waxing strips. “A spatula that’s used on more than one person can transmit skin infections, like rash, allergy, itching,” says Dr Rishi Parashar, Delhi based, Dermatologist.
When going for waxing be sure that the person giving the treatment is a trained hand and not a novice who is learning at your expense. If the waxing strip is not pulled out right, you might be left with angry white follicular pustules (Folliculitis) that erupt if a hair follicle undergoes trauma when being pulled out. Some women, especially models, opt for a bikini line wax. The area is teeming with fungus and if proper care is not taken, fungal infections can be transmitted, doctors say.
Before you try anything new during a facial, make sure a strip test has been performed at the back of your wrist। Ditto for hair colour. Ask for disposable facial tissues and cotton to wash off excess cream. It makes sense to carry your own hair colouring brush and comb so that you do not share it with anyone. Sharing combs can infest your hair with lice and can dandruff. If you are a diabetic then avoid pedicures. Fish pedicures have also been a subject of controversy. Better avoid it, and stick to regular pedicures.

Beauty wise
Before you step inside the beauty parlour do some research yourself। Give value to the feedback of people who have visited it. Do not choose a place only because the services offered are cheap. Even a small trip to the place can divulge a lot about the hygiene standards maintained over there and if it’s not satisfactory, begin your search for another place for the upkeep of your looks.
- Priya Singh