Monday, September 19, 2011

Iron it like Botox

God! What to do with this ‘crow’s feet’ around my eyes! I look so old now with my fading complexion! Tavie Sachdeva, 48, company secretary lamented, until she got to know about Botox, one of the latest modalities in dermatological treatment. With Botox shots, she has been able to iron crow’s feet.

There are many more developments in derma care like chemical peel, micro-dermabrasion and , etc. But, do they really work in the long run without side effects? And, can it be afforded by a conventionally middle class person too! Various questions related to skin treatments keep haunting the minds of today’s fashion and beauty conscious masses; be it man or a woman. This issue Guardian beauty throws light on Botox treatment and clears al your queries reagrding this treatment. Keep reading...

Botox Gyan
Feel the change with a slight “pin prick”. The main attraction to Botox treatment is the reason that it's a simple, non-surgical process that takes only 10-minutes. With just a few tiny Botox injections you’ll experience a noticeable improvement that can last up to 6 months. Dr. Shelly Kapoor, consultant, Medanta-the-Medicity informs, “The injections only feel like a slight “pin prick” and since they only take about 10 minutes to administer, you can get your Botox treatment during a lunch break.”

Am I the right candidate? Age and cost wise: Usually, people in the age group of 40-60 years are keen to go for skin treatments like Botox and face lifts. But, the people in the age group of 40-55 years are the right candidates for a Botox treatment when there is good skin elasticity and relaxing the underlying muscles produces a good effect. The cost of treatment depends on the number of units injected. On an average, Rs 300-400 per unit is the amount charged by experts, informs Dr. Shelly Kapoor, Consultant, Dermatology, Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon.

Which wrinkle types can get ironed? Botox is mainly done for dynamic wrinkles on upper face; horizontal lines on forehead and on crow’s feet. Bunny lines on nose and platysmal bands are also covered under Botox treatment.
So, now will all doubts clear, you too can plan pressing the creaches to get that even youthful skin.

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