Monday, September 19, 2011

Iron it like Botox

God! What to do with this ‘crow’s feet’ around my eyes! I look so old now with my fading complexion! Tavie Sachdeva, 48, company secretary lamented, until she got to know about Botox, one of the latest modalities in dermatological treatment. With Botox shots, she has been able to iron crow’s feet.

There are many more developments in derma care like chemical peel, micro-dermabrasion and , etc. But, do they really work in the long run without side effects? And, can it be afforded by a conventionally middle class person too! Various questions related to skin treatments keep haunting the minds of today’s fashion and beauty conscious masses; be it man or a woman. This issue Guardian beauty throws light on Botox treatment and clears al your queries reagrding this treatment. Keep reading...

Botox Gyan
Feel the change with a slight “pin prick”. The main attraction to Botox treatment is the reason that it's a simple, non-surgical process that takes only 10-minutes. With just a few tiny Botox injections you’ll experience a noticeable improvement that can last up to 6 months. Dr. Shelly Kapoor, consultant, Medanta-the-Medicity informs, “The injections only feel like a slight “pin prick” and since they only take about 10 minutes to administer, you can get your Botox treatment during a lunch break.”

Am I the right candidate? Age and cost wise: Usually, people in the age group of 40-60 years are keen to go for skin treatments like Botox and face lifts. But, the people in the age group of 40-55 years are the right candidates for a Botox treatment when there is good skin elasticity and relaxing the underlying muscles produces a good effect. The cost of treatment depends on the number of units injected. On an average, Rs 300-400 per unit is the amount charged by experts, informs Dr. Shelly Kapoor, Consultant, Dermatology, Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon.

Which wrinkle types can get ironed? Botox is mainly done for dynamic wrinkles on upper face; horizontal lines on forehead and on crow’s feet. Bunny lines on nose and platysmal bands are also covered under Botox treatment.
So, now will all doubts clear, you too can plan pressing the creaches to get that even youthful skin.

Customise Your Makeup

We all put our lotions and creams, colours and glosses with the best of the intentions. However, at times when it’s all put together the result is just not right. Makeup is an art and like all applied arts, you got to learn it. When used with right tools and information, it can transform the look. Guardian beauty tells you how to avoid 10 such beauty bloopers.

1.Do you look older than your age? May be, your foundation is to blame. If you wear lots of foundation, your original skin doesn’t show and that’s not a good idea. And, if you are using mineral foundation on dry skin, chances are your foundation will accentuate your wrinkles too. Mineral foundation, though a rage is actually compressed powder and like all powders, it settles down in the creases of your skin.

2.Your lips are too pale. At times we all wear nude shades to get that professional look or to look natural, but we may end up looking washed out. Your lips need colour. There is no need to go for red or pink but dark shades like maroon, berry and brown also go well.

3.Do you wear too much mascara? Too much mascara makes lashes look hard as a rock. To prevent this beauty blooper, always work with mascaras that are new.
4. Blush went blotchy. Powder blush on dry skin will look blotchy. Use cream stains to get rid of it.

5.Is your makeup accentuating fine lines around your eyes? It will, if your eye makeup is powder based and you use shimmery colours like gold and silver. Powder eye shadow tends to settle down in the creases of the eye lids and it makes fine lines more visible.

6.Have you heard of reverse raccoon eyes? Dark shadows beneath the eyes call for the use of concealer. Make sure your concealer is not more than a shade lighter than your skin tone and do check if it contains zinc, which tends to leave white residue.

7. Your eyebrows are arched. If you’ve barely-there brows or have over-plucked then, you should leave them alone. Let them grow out and start again from scratch. If you feel like you need to touch them up, conceal the short regrowth hairs by plucking
them daily. If they are not growing back at all, semi-permanent make-up is an option.

8. Makeup cracking. However hard you try, it’s not possible to hide dry and dehydrated face beneath layers of makeup. Always wash, tone and moisturise your face, before you put on makeup.

9.Your eye makeup gave you panda eyes. Wearing eye makeup that runs at the signs of distress (read tears, rain) is responsible for it. Sometimes it may take trial and error, but finding quality mascara, eyeliner and eye pencils that do not smear, smudge, flake or run is the key.

10. Lipstick on your teeth. Crimson lips look dramatic, but traces of red colour on your teeth, can be a big put off. Makeup artists suggest a quick way to fix it. Apply lipstick, and blot. Next, rub a cotton swab across your teeth to remove any trace of pigment. Then dip the opposite end of the swab into petroleum jelly, and rub it over your front teeth. The barrier prevents color from sticking to your porous pearly whites.