Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Banish Blackheads

Blackheads are hard to get rid of and they keep appearing, somehow on oily and combination skin। Greasy skin is inclined to be shiny, with open pores and blackheads that are a result of over-activity of the sebaceous glands. Blackheads are small “plugs” that develop in the pores of your skin. Dermatologists consider it as a kind of acne. Dr.Charulata Bose, consultant dermatologist at Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon says, “These are the starting stage of acne and are the result of excess oil excreted by the sebaceous glands.” When the pore is open, the oil is exposed to oxygen, which reacts and turns it a dark colour, resulting in a blackhead.

Why blackheads trouble teenagers more?

Dr. Bose answers, “At puberty, there are hormonal changes. These hormonal changes along with a genetic influence increase the oil gland secretion.” The next big culprit in blackhead formation is the use of skin-care products or make-up. These products will mix with your body’s natural oil and add to the build-up that can block pores.

Risky zones

T-zone. The T-zone of your face is mostly prone to blackheads for the simple reason that it’s oily. It is the part of your face consisting of the forehead, nose and the area around your mouth, including the chin

Dr. Blossom Kochhar, well-known aroma therapist and beauty expert advises following DIY tips to get rid of blackheads.

1. Treat your skin to a cleansing treatment by using a friction wash that cleans clogged pores with abrasive action. Moisten your face and hands with warm water. Put a teaspoon of cleansing granules in the palm, work them into a rich lather and apply to the face. Massage gently for few seconds. Concentrate on clogged pores and blackhead areas. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.
2. Instead of soap use gram flour (equal quantities of gram and Bengal gram) mixed in milk or rice water. Scrub the paste on the body and rinse with clear water. This improves skin’s clarity.
3. Make a fine paste of turmeric and mustard seeds and apply on the spots each night. Keep them for a while and wash with water. The blackheads and acne spots fade away gradually day by day.
4. Mix some Milk of Magnesia (they are easily available in the market) and some water. Also add one drop of Lemon essential oil. Apply on the face and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse off.
5. Dissolve a teaspoon of Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulphate) in a cup of hot water. Apply to the blackhead areas with cotton oil. A papaya-mint tea bag dissolved in a cup of hot water and applied on the blackhead areas also acts as a disencrusting lotion.

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