Wednesday, November 24, 2010

10 Must Have Winter Essentials

Winter has announced its arrival. The weather has turned nippy and your skin is the first one to bear the brunt of elements (read cold winds). The basics of skin care remain the same for winter too: cleansing, toning and moisturising but you need to tweak these products a bit. In summer, a foaming face wash was good but as the temperature dips you should switch to a mild cleanser, preferably a lotion. Similarly your toner should be non-drying types and your moisturiser should be a richer version of the one that you used in the summer. Archana Jha Darshan enlists ten must have beauty essentials that every girl should keep in her vanity kit.
1. Heavy duty moisturizer with SPF protection: Cold winds can strip moisture from your skin, particularly your facial skin. Wear moisturisers diligently after cleaning your face. Switch to oil based moisturisers in place of water as they form a barrier on your skin and look for "nonclogging" oils, like avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil. Do not avoid sunscreen protection just because it’s winter. The rays of the sun will wreak damage on your skin nevertheless. Sunscreen Protection Factor 15 is good for Indian skin tones.
2. Gentle exfoliating agents: In these months our skin’s turnover rate goes down, hence you should add a gentle exfoliating agent in your skin care ritual to remove the dead cells from your skin. Any scrub which has AHA agents will be a good exfoliator. Lactic acid (sour yoghurt) is a wonderful exfoliator that removes dead cells without being harsh. Gentle peeling creams are better than the regular scrubs. Remember to tone (rose water) your skin after exfoliating it and follow it up with a good moisturiser.
3. Switch your face masks. Give hydrating face masks a chance now. Avoid face masks that have clay in them as these can absorb extra oil from your skin. Now, your masks should have ingredients like glycerine, honey which can nourish your skin.
4. How about hand creams? Your hands bear the brunt of cold weather more than your face. Shower these with some TLC and you’ll be rewarded with a soft and smooth pair of hands. Exfoliate your hands and apply a good hand cream later. Wear cotton gloves later to seal in the moisture.
5. Put your best foot forward. Winter means dry, dehydrated and cracked heels for many. Not only this is painful but embarrassing too. Dip your heels in a basin of warm salted water in which baking soda and shampoo has been added. Scrub the topmost layer gently with a good quality pumice stone. Refrain from buying the cheaper version available at your local kirana store. Follow it up with a generous massage by a rich, hydrating foot cream.
6. Have you splurged on hair masks? The cold winds and the dipping temperature steal moisture and lustre from your precious strands. Protect your hair by wearing nourishing hair masks. Make it once-a-week affair and your hair will bounce with health.
7. Lip balms. Your lips don’t have any oil glands. Naturally they dry out faster than your skin. Hence buy a good quality lip balm to keep your lips hydrated and well moisturised. You can also switch to creamy lipsticks in place of the long lasting ones to keep your lips happy.
8. Eye cream: The delicate skin around your eyes can get really damaged by cold air and harsh winds. Even though you might apply in the AM, applying eye cream mid-day when you leave your office will keep the skin around the eyes protected.
9. Oil massage. This sounds delicious and feels heavenly. At least once a month treat yourself to a whole body oil massage. You can use coconut or olive oil for the massage and your skin will definitely feel better and more hydrated later.
10. Body butter: This is thicker than a regular lotion and provides much needed nourishment to the dry and dehydrated skin.

Though you may not feel thirsty but you should have ten glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. If you use room heaters then place a bowl of water in the room so that your skin doesn’t feel parched when you wake up. Hot water bath may feel heavenly, but you should avoid it as it can dry your skin. Instead prefer tepid water and put a capful of baking soda in it to keep your skin moist. Emphasise on healthy foods and be regular with exercise and the result will reflect in a healthy glow on your face.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ten Easy Age Erasers

Age makes you sage and brings a lot of experience along with wisdom but that doesn’t mean you should look old too. What about the heart which is forever young? Should the young-at-heart look old or are there ways to thwart the effects of time without spending a bomb? Ask us. There are ten such ‘easy-to-do’ age erasers that will help you look young and glowing. Find more with Archana Jha Darshan

1. Pay attention to your posture. Your mom must have told you a hundred times when you were young that you should sit straight. Follow her advice. Do not slouch on the chair while working on the desktop. Your perennially stiff shoulders will begin to fade and your double chin will make a disappearing act too. Sit straight.
2. Get a haircut. A well done haircut can make a world of difference to your looks. Go for soft layers and bangs that frame your face to look young. Almost all of us colour our grey strands to reverse the clock, you don’t need to pick the jet-black shade that will make you stand out as a ‘dyed’ matron. Go for highlights on your tresses and pick warm shades that complement Indian skin tone. For this season khaki brown highlights are popular, honey caramel shade looks cool too, suggests Shanti from Hair n Shanti.
3. Take care of your teeth. Stained teeth add years to your face. Get your teeth bleached and your pearly whites are going to shine like never before. As an added bonus point you’ll smile with greater confidence.
4. Work out. What separates dainty girls from matronly looking women? A big chunk of the answer is weight. Losing weight will make you look younger. Don’t go on crash diets rather eat balanced meals and work out. Exercise not only releases feel good hormones which will make you relaxed and less cranky but also tones your butt and belly. The moment you begin to shape up your confidence begins to soar.
5. Skin care. Your face reflects the status of your health. Add a gentle exfoliating cleanser to your regular cleanse-tone-moisturise routine. Use hydrating creams generously. Rose water and glycerine put together make a good hydrating cream. Invest in a quality night repair cream and use it before you hit the sack.
6. Tweak your makeup. While mineral makeup is great it’s basically compressed powder. Go for creamy foundation because it will camouflage the fine lines of your face. Similarly prefer creamy lip colours to matte lip stains. Go for earthy tones for your eye makeup and wear lip gloss.
7. Beef up your brows. Our mind tends to associate thick eyebrows with youthful looks. As you age do not go for pencil thin eyebrows because such brows can give you vampish look. Maintain the natural arch of your eyebrows and tweeze out wayward strands. Now is the time that you should stop getting your eyebrows done by a novice in your neighbourhood parlour. Be finicky about who is doing your eyebrows because they define your face. You can use thin, feathery pencil strokes to beef it up too.
8. How about pampering neglected body parts? You don’t need to be surprised at hearing this. In the humdrum of life most of us tend to overlook our hands, feet and neck. Our hands tell a lot about our age. Cracked heels denote the lack of attention and care given to the feet. Book yourself for a session of manicure and pedicure. Stop using your face cream on your hands. Buy products that are especially made to cater to the needs of hands and feet. During winters you can massage your hands and feet with olive oil and wear cotton socks over it. Gently massaging exposed parts of your hands with a lemon peel will help you get rid of the dark blemishes. As for your neck any product that goes on your face must cross the territory of your chin and reach to your neck.
9. Buy a quality bra. You need it. The shape of breasts changes with time. You know why? Motherhood, breastfeeding and gaining weight affect the size of our breasts. Moreover, as we age our chest sags. A quality bra will give the breasts much needed support. Almost all malls retailing lingerie these days have a trial section. Try bras before you buy. Seek the help of a sales assistant. Chances are you must be wearing the wrong size!
10. Smile. That’s the easiest and cheapest makeover available to all. Use it often and its going to change your attitude to life.

Learn to go with the flow because life itself is a beautiful journey and you should enjoy the ride. That’s what matters!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Learn to Waterproof Your Makeup

Let’s admit monsoon and makeup do not go along well. Yet, a girl deserves to look her best in all times. During monsoons keep your makeup to minimum. Keep reading to learn more tricks to thwart skin concerns like oily skin, smudged makeup, specific to monsoon.

Listen to your skin–With humidity reaching an all time high, you need to tweak your makeup routine and give that good old foundation a skip. Go for skin care products that are oil free and will not clog your pores. Use tinted moisturisers to even out the skin tone. Loose powders will help you dab the excess oil and keep your skin looking fresh and grease free. This is the time when you need to emphasise on skin cleanliness because humidity can wreak havoc with your skin, which might make your otherwise blemish free skin breakout. Wash your face at least twice a day with an oil free face wash. Dab an alcohol free toner on your face after cleaning it. In response to increased humidity your oil glands become overactive, which enlarges the pores of the face to release the oil. Keep toners handy and splash it on your face to counter the shine effect. If you’re a ‘woman-on-the-go’ tote facial wipes.

Accentuate your eyes—Forget the drama attached to eye makeup and keep the look simple. Line your eyes with kohl and use water-resistant eye liner for your upper eye lids. If you must wear mascara, wear just one coat and go for ones that can withstand drizzle.

Tame your tresses—Getting caught in unpredictable showers damage your hair. Try to wash your hair with a mild shampoo after you have danced in the rain. Pay special attention to hygiene so that your hair stays clean and dandruff stays at bay. Invest in some good quality serum to keep your mane smooth, silky and lustrous. Keep it stylish in neat, pulled-back dos. High ponytails and chignons look fetching any time of the day and you can always throw in some accessories to glam them up for an evening out. If you have short or medium length hair, dress it up with a funky or a sporty headband.

Lip service
—Following the rule less is more, forget for the time being dramatic shades like berry, red, chocolate and stick to neutral lip-shades. Say no to gooey lip glosses and keep your lips happy with tinted balm.

Foot fundamentals—Your feet bear a lot during monsoons. Buy bright coloured foot wears suited for rainy season. Get pedicure done once a month or do it yourself at home. Wash your feet carefully after coming home to keep infections at bay.

Bare essentials
Here’s a checklist of bare essentials that you must carry with you always for looking fresh ‘n’ pretty all through the monsoon:

Non-alcoholic face wipes to wipe away grime
Oil-free moisturizing sunscreen
Water proof kohl or eyeliner
Sheer lip tint
Hair serum to tame that frizz
Scrunchies and headbands

Most importantly send to exile cool cottons in neutral shades. Pull out chiffons and crepes in bright shades like sunny yellows, hot pinks, lime greens, lively oranges from your wardrobe. Go wild with hues, mix and match and enjoy the rains.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Infuse Life in Your Colour Treated Hair

Given the trend and people getting grey strands much before the official announcement of middle age, it’s hard to find ‘virgin’ hair. ‘Virgin’ hair is one which has not been permed, straightened, rebonded or touched by hair colour. If you’ve ‘virgin’ hair stop reading further, and if you’re like million others who colour their hair we recommend you to read ahead. Believe it or not the cheapest and the easiest way to turn back the clock of time is to colour your hair. However, so many questions come in your mind when you colour your hair—Are you damaging your hair? What should be the hair care routine now?

Put your worries to rest as we tell you how to take care of your coloured hair. Mostly Indians believe that henna is good for hair and hair colour damages your precious tresses. This is not true. Harish working as hair stylist with Ambika Pillai says, “Almost all men and women who are tired of the orange hue that henna gives and come to me for hair colour complain that their scalp itch after applying henna. Henna makes your hair dry and brittle.”

How to make your hair colour last longer

Each time you colour your hair the chemicals in the colour penetrate deep down the core of each strand so that the colour stays on your hair. All hair colours cause cuticle damage. Hence, you need to be gentle with your hair and protect if from bright sun light. Shower your coloured hair with TLC.

Shampoo Right. Irrespective of the brand, all hair colours fade with time. If you wish to make your hair colour last longer you should use a shampoo which is meant for coloured hair as it is more hydrating. When you shampoo your hair concentrate on the scalp to wash off oil and grease and stop struggling with your tresses.

Condition Well. Coloured hair becomes weak and dry. Hence, after you shampoo it you need to condition it especially on the tips with conditioners meant for coloured hair.

Use a Mask. Wear a hair repair mask once a week to nourish your strands. Use a mask that is fortified with pro Vitamin B5 to improve the protein structure of your hair.

Apply Serum. When your colour treated hair is partially dry wear a leave on serum on the tips and the top of your head to nourish your hair.

Be Gentle. Colour treated hair becomes fragile. Hence, do not comb when it’s damp. Also avoid using hot dryers on your hair. Just like your nails your hair is made of keratin. If keratin gets too hot, its components get damaged, causing its structure to break down. The result: your hair looks dull and lifeless.

Hair stylists recommend that before you colour your hair go for a hair spa at least three four days in advance. Hair spa consists of deep conditioning treatment for the hair which will improve the texture of your hair. At home you can also do hot oil massage as a substitute for hair spa. In warm olive oil puncture vitamin E capsule and massage your hair gently with it in circular motion. Wear a damp hot towel over it for fifteen minutes and then wash off the oil of your hair.

How often should you retouch your roots

Since hair grows on average 1/2 inch a month, it’s safe to assume that hair should have at least an inch of growth before getting a touch-up. For some people, that could mean 6 weeks and for some people that could mean 10 weeks.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For Flawless Skin in Summer

  • Combat the shine and grime of summer skin with the Sebo Specific Range from Yves Rocher, which has anti shine technology to reduce the imperfections of combination and oily skin and ensures perfect matte effect.

    1. CLEANSE

    Cleanses the skin without drying it.
    Non-aggressive scrubbing micro particles clean the skin without drying it.


    For a superb matt complexion from morning to night
    This emulsion gel moisturizes combination to oily skin and controls shine, even when it’s hot.


    Tightens dilated pores and conceals imperfections

    The skin is smooth and flawless.


    The anti-shine technology of Sebo Specific Range owes its attributes to Scutellaria Root. The root of the Scutellaria plant contains molecules known as flavonoids which enable it to resist external aggressions. This root has an exceptional ability to control shine at its source. The skin is cleansed, the complexion is fresh and perfectly even.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer Hair Care

Summers are here to stay. In the coming months the sun will become harsher and the mercury is going to soar higher. Needless, to say you need to take extra measures to protect yourself from the unrelenting heat. Somehow, summer and sunscreens are spelt in the same breath and our crowning glory gets relegated to the sidelines.
In this post, Beauty Basics focuses spotlight on your tresses and tells you simple doable steps which will add bounce and shine in your hair.

Summer is harsh for your hair. The sun, heat, humidity and chlorinated pool water strip moisture from the hair and lighten its colour, more so if you colour your hair. Your hair becomes brittle, gets split ends and looks stressed. It is screaming for attention.

De-stress your tresses
1) Accessorize. Wear hats, scarves, or carry umbrellas when you go out in the sun. The hot rays of the sun are harsh on your hair. Provide shade to your hair when you can and save it from the damage caused by the UV rays.
2) Condition your hair. Since, your hair loses moisture in the hot summer you need to replenish it with the help of conditioners. Conditioners add bounce and life to your hair.
3) Choose leave on UV protectant products. For great looking hair you need to do some research. Investigate about hair care products that provide UV protection. Shampoos and conditioners with UV protection get washed away, hence, you can’t be sure how much of it will stick on to your precious tresses and fight the damaging effects of UV rays. You can make your own UV protection leave on hair serum too. Dilute two table spoons of SPF 25 lotion in a cup of water on spritz on your hair before you go out in the sun.
4) Invest in a good quality clarifying and moisturising shampoos. If you are using a lot of ‘leave on’ hair protection serums you need to wash it off with a clarifying shampoo to retrieve its natural looks. Otherwise a good moisturizing shampoo is the order of the day.
5) Save water and shampoo. As it is summer dries your hair and you don’t want to aggravate dryness by shampooing your hair every day. Twice a week is just fine. But, if you got to wash it every day you have to hunt for the mildest shampoo in the town.
6) Deep condition your hair. Dry hair is starving for moisture. Buy a good quality hair repair cream and use it after the shampoo session. Leave it as directed. For better results you can wear a shower cap as long as you are wearing the hair mask. While, there are natural methods, like honey and mayonnaise to nourish your hair but professional products work well too.
7) Massage your hair once a week with warm oil. Gentle massage with warm oil on your scalp is a perfect antidote to stress and helps your hair stay happy. If you have time let the oil stay overnight or at least for two hours.
Wet your hair well before you dive in the pool. Dry hair acts like sponge and pool water is chlorinated. But, when you wet your hair you lower the chances of damage. Don’t forget to shampoo your hair with a clarifying shampoo after your swimming session. Your hair will thank you if you condition it too.

With these simple steps your crowning glory will be your source of pride and envy of others.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Banish Blackheads

Blackheads are hard to get rid of and they keep appearing, somehow on oily and combination skin। Greasy skin is inclined to be shiny, with open pores and blackheads that are a result of over-activity of the sebaceous glands. Blackheads are small “plugs” that develop in the pores of your skin. Dermatologists consider it as a kind of acne. Dr.Charulata Bose, consultant dermatologist at Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon says, “These are the starting stage of acne and are the result of excess oil excreted by the sebaceous glands.” When the pore is open, the oil is exposed to oxygen, which reacts and turns it a dark colour, resulting in a blackhead.

Why blackheads trouble teenagers more?

Dr. Bose answers, “At puberty, there are hormonal changes. These hormonal changes along with a genetic influence increase the oil gland secretion.” The next big culprit in blackhead formation is the use of skin-care products or make-up. These products will mix with your body’s natural oil and add to the build-up that can block pores.

Risky zones

T-zone. The T-zone of your face is mostly prone to blackheads for the simple reason that it’s oily. It is the part of your face consisting of the forehead, nose and the area around your mouth, including the chin

Dr. Blossom Kochhar, well-known aroma therapist and beauty expert advises following DIY tips to get rid of blackheads.

1. Treat your skin to a cleansing treatment by using a friction wash that cleans clogged pores with abrasive action. Moisten your face and hands with warm water. Put a teaspoon of cleansing granules in the palm, work them into a rich lather and apply to the face. Massage gently for few seconds. Concentrate on clogged pores and blackhead areas. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.
2. Instead of soap use gram flour (equal quantities of gram and Bengal gram) mixed in milk or rice water. Scrub the paste on the body and rinse with clear water. This improves skin’s clarity.
3. Make a fine paste of turmeric and mustard seeds and apply on the spots each night. Keep them for a while and wash with water. The blackheads and acne spots fade away gradually day by day.
4. Mix some Milk of Magnesia (they are easily available in the market) and some water. Also add one drop of Lemon essential oil. Apply on the face and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse off.
5. Dissolve a teaspoon of Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulphate) in a cup of hot water. Apply to the blackhead areas with cotton oil. A papaya-mint tea bag dissolved in a cup of hot water and applied on the blackhead areas also acts as a disencrusting lotion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Beauty Basics: Body wash or soap

Beauty Basics: Body wash or soap

Body wash or soap

What should I use? Body wash or soap. Well, you can use any depending on your choice and comfort. What you pick depends entirely on what your skin demands. It is just a matter of matching your skin’s requirements with the right product. Seeing a plethora of skin cleansers flooding the stores one really gets confused regarding the effectiveness of one over the other. Up till now it was just bar soaps coming in a variety of flavours and tempting colors. Body washes have made their foray recently. It’s not easy to give away something you have been using everyday for decades and accept what appeared on the shelves just lately. But something, which promises to make your daily ritual a joyful indulgence, certainly deserves a try. For many, soap and body wash are pretty much the same thing. Are they?
Lets get into the nuances of soaps and body wash to understand their effectiveness.
The creamy and sensual feel of the soap between the hands, and its rich lather brings a soothing effect. And rubbing the bar along the skin gives a kind of a relaxing massage to the overall body. It cleanses, it exfoliates, it lathers and even smells good. It solves all the purposes of a good skin cleanser. Plus a bar of soap doesn’t fall and spill everywhere; you can actually save tons of money. Agreed, but our skin demands much more than just cleaning and sweet fragrance.

What makes a body wash more effective?

Natural ingredients
Extra moisture
Ultra deep cleaning properties
Mesmerizing fragrances
Price- value for money

Body wash helps maintain the skin’s natural balance. Its moisturizing effect improves the rough, flaky and dry skin and keeps it hydrated. It doesn’t make the skin flaky and doesn’t leave any residue. The ingredients that it is prepared with, cleanses the body thoroughly without robbing the skin’s natural moisture. Its mild and gentle texture suits even the babies, as it is a lot easier and convenient to use than a bar of soap. Encased in a container, it not only is saved from the germs but is also handy to use. Most importantly, it ensures no wastage. A drop does all. You can even share it with the entire family and still be away from the fear of infections. Coming in heavenly aromas of mandarins and limes, do you think bar soaps can relax and energize you better than these liquid washes?
Go ahead, give bar soaps a break and ease into the fragrant, uplifting world of body washes।

When buying a body wash, make sure it - comes with all the moisturizing benefits and contains shea butter or aloe -vera extracts, to keep your skin soft as well as to keep it hydrated. The other features to look for are--

  • Lathers well

  • Gives soothing fragrances that will help you relax while in the shower.

  • Contains essential oils

  • Has long shelf life of at least 18 months

  • Doesn’t contain ultra-violet irritants or petrochemicals.

If you wish to go for something scented-

Make sure that it is not intense
If you are looking for something soothing and comforting go for something with lavender or sandalwood.
If want something refreshing and invigorating pick up something with mint or rosemary.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunscreen shopping

If winter comes can spring be far behind………….. And with spring follow the hot sunny days…but you cannot stay indoors all the time to shun sun. So let’s face it.

Hot facts• Spending some time, say about 10 to 15 minutes a day, in the sun, helps the body produce vitamin D, which might protect against various illnesses.
• An over dose of the harsh ultra-violet (UV) rays can trigger serious skin problems, like sunburn, hyper-pigmentation, wrinkles, premature skin aging, and skin cancer, especially melanoma, the most virulent and the fastest growing cancer.
• A sigh of relief for the darker skinned- People with darker skin have higher levels of melanin, which absorbs ultra-violet rays and acts as a natural sunscreen. But, though this does reduce the risk of skin damage, it does not offer full protection.
That makes the application of sun block every time you step outdoors, a must.

Why sunblock and not sunscreen?

Sunscreens absorb UV rays and are also inconspicuous on the skin. The chemicals that are most often found in sunscreens include PABA, Benzophenones, Cinnamates, and Salicylates. Sunblocks act as barrier against the solar radiation. They reflect rather than absorb UV rays. They appear white on the skin and usually contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
Highly effective for the sensitive skin, sunblocks do not contain any of the chemical irritants present in other products. It is believed to be stronger than sunscreen as it cannot be broken down by sunlight and also because of its two important compounds, Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, which are quite safe for the skin. People with skin diseases such as lupus erythematosus, rosacea, or other sun-sensitive conditions benefit a lot from sunblock preparations.

What to look for when buying sunblockTitanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, the two essential ingredients, protect the skin from both UVA and UVB radiation by preventing the sun from penetrating and burning the skin through their light refracting properties, basically by reflecting and scattering light back, away from the skin. Mineral powders are ideal and are an added bonus and the best way to protect your face from further sun damage.
Always look at the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) when deciding what level of sunblock is going to meet your needs. The higher the SPF, the more protection it offers against the UVB and UVA rays. You have the option of choosing sunblock with an SPF anywhere from 5 to 50, sometimes higher. Usually an SPF of 15 is recommended.

Choosing the number that will be most effective for you depends on the skin type, the quantity that is to be applied and how frequently you will apply it, what kind of activities you will be doing outdoors, the time of the day and certainly the season and of course the amount of sunblock that the skin has absorbed.
Go for a water resistant sunblock if plan to go for swimming. But do check the label to see whether it is water-resistant sunblock or very water-resistant. Water-Resistant sunblock maintains the SPF level after 40 minutes of water immersion and Very Water-Resistant sunblock maintains the SPF level after 80 minutes of water immersion
Follow this and nothing can stop you from basking.

A few tips to remember.

Avoid sun between 10 am and 5 pm, hours when sun radiation is strongest.
Always apply sunblock 20 minutes before stepping out, so that it gets absorbed well in the body and dosen’t get washed away due to sweating.
As their effect lasts only for 2 to 3 hours , one must reapply it frequently throughout the course of the day.
Do not stick to the same bottle of sunblock for more than a year. Pick up a new one every year for maximum effectiveness. Also keep it out of the sun and away from heat as this can further degrade the product.