Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Remedies for Fair Complexion

All over the world dusky complexion has gained respect. But this isn’t true for India. May be it is the hangover of our colonial days, but we aspire to gain fair complexion and this sentiment resonates through out the country. Given the length and the breadth of the country, it is but natural that the complexion of the people will respond to the varied geographical conditions. You will find more fair skinned people towards the north and the complexion takes a lovely brown tan as you move towards the south. While it is impossible to change the skin colour there are many remedies available in your kitchen which help your skin tan fade, lighten hyper pigmentation of your skin and will improve your skin tone. We tell you more…..

1. You must have heard from your grand ma to clean your face with a cotton wool dipped in raw milk to brighten the complexion. The logic being that all remedies that work to remove tan will also lighten your complexion. Hence, sour yoghurt and cold milk used as face cleansers will lighten your complexion.

2. Apply mashed over ripe papaya pack on your face to fade away blemishes and to even out the skin tone.

3. Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.

4. Pound raw turmeric and add drops of lime juice to it. They act as natural bleaching agents.

5. This summer grate tomato and cucumber. Extract juice and make a pack with fullers earth powder. Add drops of rose oil and put the paste on your face. Put slices of cucumber on your eyes. Rest for a while and wash your face later. Do it at least thrice a week. Your complexion will improve for sure.

6. Orange peel powder is an excellent product to enhance your complexion. Orange peel has volatile oil in it hence dry it in shade. When the peel gets crumb like structure pound it and add it to an cleaning agent, like gram flour, oatmeal powder or fuller’s earth. Keep the ratio 1:1. Make a face pack with sour yoghurt, tomato juice or rosewater. Orange peel has grainy structure and you have to scrub your face to get the pack away. This will help remove your black heads and even out the inconsistencies of your complexion.

Lifestyle Factors:

–what you eat reflects in the status of your health and your complexion. Although there are no particular foods that will lighten your skin instantly, a balanced diet definitely helps by giving your skin a healthy glow. Emphasise on fruits and vegetables for a radiant complexion. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water to hydrate your skin and keep it blemish free.
Sunscreen—Wear sunscreen when you go out, minimum of SPF 15 to protect your skin from the unforgiving rays of the sun.